10 Best Hospital Bed Management System in 2024

Rohit Rajpal

Senior Writer

Most Popular Hospital Bed Management Software

Key Takeaways:

  1. A hospital bed management system provides real-time visibility into bed availability and patient status across units to improve bed turnover rates and reduce wait times.
  2. It has various features to optimize bed allocation, patient transfers, discharge planning, and other workflows.
  3. Optimized bed management and tracking is a key hospital operational strategy to manage patient flow, care coordination, and resource utilization.

The healthcare industry has seen immense growth and technological advancement over the past decade. However, one area that continues to pose major challenges is streamlining hospital bed management. According to a 2022 survey, 42 percent of adults worldwide stated access to treatment and long waiting times were among the biggest problems facing healthcare systems in their countries.

Looking for Hospital Management Software? Check out SoftwareSuggest’s list of the best Hospital Management Software solutions.

Outdated bed tracking methods like paper records and spreadsheets can no longer keep up with the complex demands of modern hospitals. Administrative staff are overwhelmed by tedious manual tasks like tracking patient movements, bed availability, and occupancy rates. As a result, beds often lie empty when needed most. Patients endure frustration from delays, and overcrowded ERs struggle with efficient patient flow.

Luckily, new hospital bed tracking system are revolutionizing how facilities allocate their most precious resource – available beds. These solutions help boost responsiveness, optimize utilization, and improve the patient experience by automating core operational processes and providing real-time bed status updates for efficient hospital bed management.

By streamlining communication across departments and integrating with other systems, they are helping healthcare organizations worldwide reduce wait times and deliver faster care.

What Is a Hospital Bed Management System?

A hospital bed management system is a software application designed to optimize hospital patient flow and bed allocation. It provides real-time visibility into bed availability and patient status across units to improve bed turnover rates and reduce wait times.

protip image

Prioritize solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing hospital systems, ensuring smooth information flow. Look for systems that offer real-time updates on bed availability, reducing patient wait times and enhancing resource allocation. Additionally, opt for platforms that provide robust data security features to safeguard sensitive patient information. Consider the software's scalability, ensure it can adapt to your hospital's evolving needs, and select a vendor that offers comprehensive training and support to ensure successful implementation and utilization.

A bed management system in hospitals automatically tracks patient admissions, discharges, and transfers to maintain an up-to-date census of bed occupancy. It can suggest optimal bed assignments based on patient understanding, diagnosis, gender, and other attributes. The system also notifies staff when cleaned beds are available for new patients.

By providing analytics and dashboards, a bed management system allows hospitals to identify trends, bottlenecks, and opportunities to improve utilization and capacity management. Implementing such a system can help hospitals increase patient access, enhance care quality, and maximize asset utilization.

problems facing the healthcare system

What Are The Features Of a Hospital Bed Management System?

A hospital bed management system has various features to optimize bed allocation, patient transfers, discharge planning, and other workflows. Some important features include –

1. Real-time Bed Availability Tracking

A bed management system in hospitals provides real-time occupancy status of beds across various units like ICU, med-surg, telemetry, emergency department, etc. Staff can quickly identify available and suitable beds for patient admission.

2. Census Management

By automatically tracking admissions, discharges, transfers, and other events, a bed management system in hospitals maintains an up-to-date census of inpatients. This accurate and real-time picture of bed utilization helps hospitals effectively manage resources and make informed decisions regarding patient placement and capacity planning.

Census Management

3. Bed Reservations

Hospital staff can utilize the bed management system to temporarily reserve beds for patients in the Emergency Room (ER) who require admission or for those undergoing procedures. This proactive reservation system ensures that beds are available when needed, minimizing delays in patient care and optimizing bed utilization.

4. Waitlist Management

The bed management system maintains and prioritizes waitlists of patients waiting for beds. Staff can efficiently manage the waitlist and align patient beds based on clinical needs, ensuring patients are assigned beds promptly and according to their medical requirements. This systematic approach helps streamline patient flow and optimize bed allocation.

5. Customizable Bed Boards

Views for units and user groups showing key bed management data can be created. By giving hospitals the flexibility to customize bed boards according to their workflow and patient care requirements, customizable bed boards enhance the functionality and effectiveness of hospital bed management systems, ultimately contributing to optimized patient flow and improved quality of care.

6. Automated Transfer and Discharge Alerts

A hospital bed tracking system expedites bed turnovers by automatically notifying staff about patients ready for discharge or transfer. This system expedites bed turnovers, facilitating efficient patient flow and minimizing delays in care transitions.

Discharge Alerts

7. Bed Placement Rules

Hospital units can establish bed placement rules within a bed management system, enabling the definition of clinical protocols, priorities, and other criteria to guide optimal bed assignments based on factors such as diagnosis, age, gender, and insight, ensuring appropriate and efficient patient placement.

8. Analytics and Reporting

With comprehensive reporting and dashboard capabilities, a hospital bed tracking system generates valuable insights on bed occupancy rates, admission wait times, turnaround times, placement compliance, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). This data empowers hospitals to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and improve operational efficiency.

9. Interoperability

A bed management system can seamlessly integrate with other hospital IT systems, such as Electronic Health Records (EHR), Electronic Medical Records (EMR), and patient tracking systems. This interoperability enables the exchange of bed management data, facilitating efficient communication and coordination across different healthcare systems.

11. Mobile Access

By providing mobile access, bed management systems enable nurses and doctors to remotely view bed availability, admit patients, and update bed statuses using their mobile devices. This flexibility enhances workflow efficiency and allows for real-time access to critical information, even when healthcare providers are on the move.

Mobile Access

12. Configurable Workflows

Bed management systems can configure user-specific workflows for bed management tasks, including bed requests, patient transport, and housekeeping. This customization ensures that the system aligns with different departments’ specific needs and processes, optimizing workflow efficiency and staff productivity.

13. Alerts and Notifications

Hospital bed board systems can send alerts and notifications to staff via email, SMS, or dedicated mobile applications. These alerts inform staff about bed readiness, pending transfers, or updates in bed status, enabling timely communication and minimizing potential delays or miscommunications in patient care.

What Are The Benefits Of Hospital Bed Management Systems?

A hospital bed management system offers several important benefits that can improve operational efficiency, patient care and satisfaction, and staff workflow in a healthcare facility. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Optimized Bed Utilization

The hospital management software provides real-time tracking of bed occupancy and availability across units. This allows better allocation of beds to patients based on insight, diagnosis, and other factors. The improved utilization reduces wait times, boarding in the ER, and cancellation of elective procedures.

2. Enhanced Patient Throughput

The bed management system in hospitals identifies bottlenecks by tracking discharges, transfers, and bed turnaround times. This allows corrective actions to streamline patient flow and accelerate bed turnarounds after discharge. Faster throughput enables hospitals to serve more patients.

3. Improved Admission Capacity

The automated census and visibility into future availability allow hospitals to easily accommodate more admissions. This is especially critical during periods of high demand, such as flu season.

4. Better Care Coordination

The system sends alerts when patients are ready for transfer or discharge. This smooth handoff between units enhances care coordination.

5. Increased Patient Satisfaction

Reduced wait times, fewer cancellations, and smoother transitions during the stay enhance the patient experience. This drives higher HCAHPS scores.

6. Improved Staff Communication

The centralized dashboard with real-time occupancy and status updates improves coordination between nursing units, housekeeping, transport, and other staff. It aids in reducing errors and fostering better interdepartmental communication.

7. Enhanced Workflow

Automated tasks like status updates, bed requests, and messaging reduce manual efforts for nurses and other staff. This saves time for more care activities.

8. Data-Driven Decisions

Analytics from the system guide strategic decisions on capacity planning, staffing, and other resources. This ensures efficient asset use.

9. Higher Cost Efficiency

Improving throughput allows the system to treat more patients without added capacity. This results in higher ROI for the organization.

How Are Bed Management And Patient Flow Interconnected?

Bed management and patient flow are deeply interconnected within healthcare facilities. A hospital’s ability to smoothly move patients through the various stages of care depends on real-time visibility and managing bed capacity. As patients are admitted, transferred floors, or discharged, their bed status needs to be accurately tracked, and new assignments quickly made. This ensures there is always a place to put the next incoming patient.

How Are Bed Management And Patient Flow Interconnected

Hospitals gain enhanced control over patient placement and flow by automating and streamlining bed management functions. Manual paperwork is replaced with digital alerts that keep staff updated on open beds. Real-time dashboards provide the administration with facility-wide occupancy levels to aid throughput decisions. Increased coordination between units helps reduce backup in ERs from full floors. Telemetry to mobile devices gives clinicians on-the-go access to bed status to expedite admissions or transfers.

A lack of open beds can lead to ambulance diversions and treatment delays when patient flow is obstructed. But integrated bed management solutions provide the situational awareness needed to properly match patients to beds and keep the movement of people smoothly circulating through the healthcare continuum. This optimized patient flow profoundly impacts the quality of care, operational efficiency, and overall patient/staff satisfaction.

How Optimized Bed Management, Tracking, And Allocation Help In Effective Hospital Management?

Optimized bed management, tracking, and allocation are critical to effective hospital management. Below is how these things can help to optimize patient flow and effective bed management –

  • With real-time visibility into bed availability across units, hospitals can ensure beds are efficiently allocated to patients needing them. These hospital bed-board systems improve utilization and avoid unnecessary transfers or boarding in the ED.
  • Streamlined patient throughput is also enabled by knowing bed status and quickly moving patients from ED to inpatient beds after admission.
  • With historical occupancy data, better capacity planning is also possible to anticipate demand spikes.
  • Decreased ambulance diversion can also be achieved by reducing situations where the ED is on bypass due to bed unavailability.
  • Moreover, coordinated communication about discharges, transfers, and admissions is facilitated when all units share up-to-date bed status data.

Completing these factors results in increased revenue and patient satisfaction from prompt admissions, discharges, and treatment and avoidance of ambulance diversions. Optimized bed management and tracking is a key hospital operational strategy to manage patient flow, care coordination, and resource utilization.

How We Select & List Softwares?

Our selection of these Hospital Bed Management Software is based on thorough research and analysis. We have listed these softwares based on usability and satisfaction score that include features, ease of use, customer support, ratings, and number of reviews from SoftwareSuggest. Our goal is to help businesses select the right softwares that can help them optimize their business processes.

Top 10 Hospital Bed Management Software

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, efficient hospital bed management is crucial for optimal patient care. As medical facilities strive to enhance patient experiences and streamline operations, innovative technology has emerged to revolutionize the way hospital beds are allocated and managed.

From seamless patient admissions to real-time bed tracking, the integration of specialized software has become indispensable. These software offerings empower hospitals to make well-informed decisions, enhance patient flow, and ultimately elevate the quality of care provided. 

Below, we present the pinnacle of bed management software, each designed to cater to the unique needs of modern medical facilities.

Software NameFree Trail PeriodFeatures
30 daysPatient administration, flow and management
14 daysAppointment management, Patient registration
14 daysAppointment scheduling, Medical billing
7 daysBed allotment, Patient / client treatment program
14 daysPatient registration, Billing & revenue cycle management
14 daysMedical billing, Out-patient management
14 daysPatient monitoring, Real-time reporting
7 daysAdmissions & bed management, Patient flow management
14 daysHistorical reporting, Patient flow management
14 daysReal-time patient and bed visibility, Discharge notification

1. IMS Maxims

IMS Maxims hospital bed management software eases the task of bed assignment and transfer. From the patient’s admission to a hospital till discharge, one can get all the details about the patient. With a graphical representation of wards and a list of beds, it becomes easy for the bed management staff to carry out the bed allocation process.

IMS Maxims

Information is updated in real-time, with separate color codes for bed availability and the estimated time for patient discharge. This helps the staff in getting away from the manual counting process. The management can know the status of the beds, which are classified based on location, treatment, and type.

It also helps generate alerts as per the allergies or medicine reactions the patient might have. This helps the staff take control of the situation quickly in case of emergencies.

Key Features

  • Patient administration, flow, and management
  • Order communications and diagnostic reporting
  • Scheduling, correspondence, & ePrescribing
  • ED, theater, and departmental systems
  • Real-time bed management and nursing documentation


  • Custom pricing
  • IMS MAXIMS bed management software streamlines the process, increasing efficiency and speeding up patient bed allocation.
  • Integrating the system enhances patient records with historical data, improving patient outcomes.
  • The centralized management provided by IMS MAXIMS bed management oversees bed allocation and patient flow.
  • The software's implementation aids in reducing errors and fostering better interdepartmental communication.
  • On the downside, the cost associated with implementing IMS MAXIMS bed management might challenge certain hospitals, particularly smaller ones.
  • Staff training would be required to use the system effectively.
  • As with any software, technical issues or glitches are potential factors that could affect the system's performance.

2. Acgil

Acgil bed management software helps in getting the record of hospital bed status. With various information regarding bed occupancies, this software aids healthcare centers in optimizing bed management. A detailed report on the occupancy of beds in each ward helps the management reduce the bed turnover time.


It also helps in knowing the revenue generation for each bed. The hospital management staff can carry out the task of ward maintenance and cleaning with the help of this software by creating schedules for the same.

Key Features


  • Custom pricing
  • ACGIL software seamlessly integrates with existing hospital systems, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • The system’s intuitive user interface simplifies bed allocation, enhancing efficiency in patient care coordination.
  • Real-time monitoring capabilities enable healthcare providers to optimize bed utilization and patient flow.
  • ACGIL’s software promotes accurate record-keeping, reducing errors and improving patient safety.
  • Initial implementation costs may be a concern for hospitals with budget constraints.
  • As with any software, there is a potential for technical glitches or compatibility issues that could impact performance.
  • Upgrades and maintenance could require additional resources and downtime.

3. Central Square

With the help of the predictive analysis method, Central Square hospital bed management software empowers the hospital management team to serve the patients in a better way. Decision support tools in the software enable the staff to predict and decide on the management of the beds in various wards so that empty beds don’t go unnoticed.

Central Square

The hospital staff gets the details of each patient in the software, which eases doctors’ and nurses’ tasks. This also helps keep track of each patient’s treatment and health condition, resulting in patient satisfaction regarding hospital services.

Key Features

  • Patient Portal
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Medical billing
  • Out-patient management
  • Patient records management


  • Custom pricing
  • Central Square software is designed to seamlessly integrate hospital workflows, ensuring a smooth adoption process.
  • The system’s user-friendly interface simplifies bed allocation tasks, enhancing overall efficiency in patient care coordination.
  • Central Square’s software can be customized to align with the unique requirements of different healthcare facilities.
  • The software’s support and maintenance services contribute to the longevity of its effectiveness.
  • Initial costs associated with implementing Central Square Hospital Bed Management might concern hospitals with limited budgets.
  • Integration with legacy systems can present challenges, requiring careful planning and execution.
  • Staff training may be necessary to ensure proficient software usage, requiring temporary resource allocation.

4. Advanced Data System Corporation

With real-time data containing the status of each bed in the healthcare center, ADSC software helps the medical staff track and allot beds. Information regarding the beds can be stored in the form of the size, type, and location of the bed. One can also store the details of patients.

Advanced Data System Corporation

Patients don’t have to wait longer to get admitted as the staff now has the details of bed availability in a few clicks. The process of patient admission and discharge is made less overwhelming. It also provides an automatic calculation of the patient’s bill stored bed-wise.

Key Features

  • Real time status of beds occupied
  • Bed allotment
  • Patient/client treatment program
  • Appointment management
  • Electronic medical records


  • Custom pricing
  • The system allows hospitals to efficiently allocate beds based on patient needs, availability, and urgency.
  • The system offers real-time tracking of bed availability, occupancy, and turnover.
  • The system facilitates seamless communication among various departments and healthcare professionals involved in patient care.
  • The system can often be customized to fit different healthcare facilities’ specific needs and workflows, ensuring a tailored solution that aligns with the hospital’s operations.
  • Implementing the Advanced Data System Corporation hospital bed management system requires an initial financial investment for software, hardware, training, and integration.
  • Like any technology-driven solution, technical glitches, downtime, or compatibility issues can occur, disrupting operations and potentially leading to patient care delays.
  • While customization is a benefit, it can also lead to challenges if the system’s customization process is complex or if changes in workflows require frequent adjustments to the system.

5. Uniwide

Uniwide is a healthcare management software that helps to minimize the efforts and maximize the efficiency of medical staff. With various features to support the admission process of patients, knowing bed availability status and real-time data of all the resources, it eases the hospital management system, thereby serving better.

Advanced Data System Corporation

Key Features


  • Custom pricing
  • Optimizes the allocation of hospital beds, ensuring that each bed is used effectively and reducing overcrowding.
  • Provides instant updates on bed availability and occupancy, enabling faster decision-making for patient placements.
  • Seamlessly integrates with electronic health record systems, ensuring accurate patient information is accessible to all relevant parties.
  • Automates administrative tasks related to bed management, freeing up staff for more critical patient care responsibilities.
  • Technical glitches or system downtime can disrupt operations and lead to delays in patient care.
  • Staff members need to be trained on using the system effectively, which can temporarily impact productivity during the learning curve.
  • Integrating the system with existing hospital systems and workflows can be complex and time-consuming.

6. Cognosys

Cognosys is a secure cloud-based hospital bed management system. One can access all the details of patients and resource availability in hospitals from anywhere at any time. Right from the patient’s admission to calculating your profit after the patient’s discharge, everything is accessible through electronic reports generated.


The hospital management can track the records of each patient and retrieve any information needed without much hassle. This medical appointment scheduling management software has easy-to-use features and requires little maintenance.

Key Features

  • Inventory management
  • Medical billing
  • Out-patient management
  • Patient records management
  • Physician management


  • Custom pricing
  • Minimizes patient wait times, enhances care coordination, and contributes to a more positive overall hospital experience.
  • Uses historical data to predict future bed needs, helping hospitals proactively manage capacity and staffing.
  • The system optimizes bed allocation, leading to reduced patient wait times and better hospital resource utilization.
  • Automation of bed assignment, discharge, and transfer processes reduces administrative burden and streamlines hospital operations.
  • The customer service team might consistently fail to respond promptly to inquiries, leaving hospitals without timely solutions to their issues.
  • As hospitals grow or expand, the system might face challenges scaling up to accommodate increased patient volume.
  • The system may struggle to integrate seamlessly with other hospital software and databases, leading to data discrepancies.

7. Hospital Run

Hospital Run is a free open-source hospital management software developed to empower and encourage the least-resourced areas worldwide, improving healthcare facilities. It comes with a special feature of running it even in offline mode. The data about patients can be collected and stored locally when there is no internet connection. Once the network is available, This data can be updated in the system database.

Hospital Run

Hospital Run has an intuitive interface that aids in improving the overall experience of use by the medical staff and contributors. This open-source software helps take good care of patients through optimized healthcare management.

Key Features

  • Patient flow management
  • Patient location tracking
  • Patient monitoring
  • Real-time reporting
  • Waiting time tracking


  • Custom pricing
  • Hospital Run helps optimize bed allocation by providing real-time information on bed availability, occupancy, and turnover.
  • Hospital Run helps prevent bed shortages and overcrowding by accurately tracking bed occupancy and availability.
  • The system automates various aspects of bed management, such as tracking patient admissions, discharges, and transfers.
  • Hospital Run improves communication between different departments within the hospital, enabling seamless coordination among staff.
  • Integrating Hospital Run into an existing hospital infrastructure might require significant time and effort.
  • If the system experiences technical glitches or downtime could disrupt bed management processes and potentially impact patient care.
  • Hospital Run involves handling sensitive patient information, which raises concerns about data security and privacy.

8. Blueberry Health

Blueberry Health is a web-based hospital bed management system that enables staff managers to manage beds — from admission to discharge. Using the software, you can easily handle bed requests and transfers.

Blueberry Health

Besides, the organization aims to enhance the patient journey by working closely with healthcare professionals.

The hospital bed management software provides real-time status reports on bed occupancy, improving patient flow. The system seamlessly integrates with other solutions so that it eliminates the chances of duplicate data entry.

In short, it helps improve staff efficiency by saving time and management to meet hospital performance targets.

Key Features

  • Patient tracking and flow
  • Historical reporting
  • Real-time reporting
  • Admissions & bed management
  • Patient flow management


  • Custom pricing
  • Blueberry Health optimizes bed utilization by providing real-time visibility into bed availability, allowing hospitals to allocate resources efficiently.
  • The system facilitates seamless patient transfers between different departments or units within the hospital.
  • Blueberry Health promotes better coordination and communication among healthcare teams involved in bed management.
  • The system collects and analyzes valuable data on bed occupancy, length of stay, and other key metrics.
  • Implementing a new bed management system like Blueberry Health may require significant effort and resources.
  • Any technological system can face occasional technical glitches or downtime, which may impact the availability and reliability of the bed management system.
  • Introducing a new system necessitates training staff members on effectively using Blueberry Health.

9. Wise Bed Manager

Wise Bed Manager is one of the best hospital bed management software that aims to drastically improve patient care. It enables you to efficiently manage beds, resulting in more patient admissions and fewer surgery cancellations due to insufficient beds.

The system increases the higher usage efficiency of beds by monitoring every single bed in the hospital. Wise Bed Manager is the result of e-health experts with great expertise in hospital software usability.

Besides, the software is quite easy to use and has an intuitive interface so every staff member can run the system easily.

Key Features

  • Admissions management
  • Bed management
  • Discharge management
  • Historical reporting
  • Patient flow management


  • Custom pricing
  • Offering a real-time snapshot of bed occupancy minimizes patient waiting times during emergencies.
  • It enhances surgery unit efficiency by facilitating coordinated bed scheduling, consequently reducing the rate of surgery cancellations due to bed shortages.
  • Its user-friendly nature ensures that even individuals without computer expertise can easily navigate and utilize the system.
  • Including graphical data input and reporting functions enables the visualization and thorough analysis of bed occupancy patterns.
  • Compatibility issues may arise with other hospital information systems or electronic health records, hindering seamless integration.
  • The system might face limitations in scenarios involving intricate or dynamic bed allocation demands, like surge capacity or disaster responses.
  • Affordability and scalability concerns may arise, particularly for smaller or rural hospitals operating within constrained budgets or lacking advanced infrastructure.

10. Patient Focus System

Patient Focus System offers flexible and robust hospital bed management software. The software aims to increase efficiency by automating bed management. For starters, it eliminates the need for placing calls between departments to check the availability of beds.

Patient Focus System

You can have real-time patient and bed visibility on the system to serve your patients faster and better.

The software provides full information about beds — whether they are dirty, clean, or placed in which room. The system automatically assigns cleaning tasks for dirty mattresses and tells you when the bed will be ready.

Key Features

  • Patient transportation
  • Bed management
  • Real-time patient and bed visibility
  • Discharge notification
  • Transports requests


  • Custom pricing
  • Optimizing employee allocation and mitigating readmission penalties drives cost reductions.
  • Patients’ contentment is bolstered through diminished wait times and timely follow-up communications.
  • It is an affordable and scalable option for medium-sized hospitals operating within constrained resources.
  • Guided by industrial engineering standards, it furnishes data-centric remedies to elevate overall efficiency and productivity.
  • The system’s applicability might be limited when dealing with extensive or intricate hospitals spanning multiple sites with varying requirements.
  • Compatibility concerns could arise, potentially hindering integration with other hospital information systems or electronic health records.
  • The system may struggle to cater to patient preferences and factors influencing satisfaction, such as privacy, comfort, or noise levels.


Implementing a hospital bed management system can significantly improve operational efficiency, patient satisfaction, and overall quality of care. Facilities gain enhanced visibility and coordination by centralizing real-time bed status data and streamlining workflows.

Manual errors are reduced as automation handles repetitive tasks. Dynamic dashboards provide actionable insights to help proactively manage capacity. With seamless data exchange between departments and compatibility with other systems, care teams benefit from improved communication and collaboration.

The hospital bed management solutions highlighted in this blog post represent some of the most comprehensive options. Each continues innovating to incorporate new technologies like predictive analytics, location tracking, and patient mobility monitoring.

As demand increases to see and treat more patients in less time, healthcare organizations will increasingly turn to digital solutions for maintaining optimal bed utilization, reduced patient wait times, and a superior patient experience from admission to discharge. Choosing the right hospital bed management software is important to strengthen operational preparedness today and better serve community needs well into the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hospital bed management systems aim to optimize bed utilization, simplify patient admissions, transfers, and discharges, enhance communication among staff, minimize bed shortages, and improve overall patient flow within the hospital.

A bed manager is responsible for overseeing the issuance and availability of hospital beds. They coordinate patient admissions, transfers, and discharges to ensure efficient bed utilization, timely patient care, and effective communication among hospital departments with the help of effective hospital bed-board systems.

Hospital beds are controlled through a combination of manual and digital bed management processes. Bed managers and healthcare staff use electronic bed management systems to track bed availability, assign beds to patients, and update bed status based on patient movements.

Hospitals, clinics, etc., use an electronic bed management system to monitor and manage the issuance of beds. It provides real-time information on bed availability, tracks patient admissions & discharges, streamlines communication among healthcare teams, and helps optimize bed utilization for efficient patient care.

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