10 Blogging Tips To Grow Your Audience In 2024

Garima Khandelwal

Senior Writer

Blogging Tips

Blogging has become popular, with over 600 million active blogs globally. However, starting a blog may seem like a daunting task. While writing quality content may require effort, the process of creating a blog can be a stimulating experience with the right resources and blogging tips.

To ensure that you start your blog on the right foot and avoid common mistakes, we have compiled a comprehensive guide of 10 blogging tips for beginners. But first, let us understand why having a well-performing blog can give your business a key competitive advantage. So, if you are looking at how to write a blog post, you have come to the right place. Let’s dive in.

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Why Is A Successful Blog Important For Your Business?

Blogging continues to be an essential part of online marketing, with 70 million new blog posts published each month and WordPress powering 42% of the web.

According to a recent survey, 90% of businesses used blogs to promote their brand in the last 12 months. While other content marketing modes exist, such as videos, infographics, ebooks, and online events, blogs remain a popular and effective way to connect with your audience and establish your expertise.

Here are six benefits when you start a blog for free on any online platform.

Benefits when you start a blog for free

  1. Keeps Your Audience Engaged

    As a content marketer, you aim to build and maintain relationships with both new and existing customers. One way to achieve this is by using blogs to share content beyond your products or services. By doing so, customers can share your content with others on social media, which increases your brand’s reach.

    You can educate customers, provide them with tips and how-tos, and create a stronger connection with your brand through blogs. Consistently reminding customers of your brand through your content can help convert them into loyal, long-term customers.

    Blogs can also enhance the customer journey by adding interesting points and providing more opportunities to share your content. Engaging customers with topics they are already interested in or want to learn about can create more excitement and interest in your brand.

  2. Drives Higher Organic Traffic

    Having a business blog can significantly increase website traffic. In fact, businesses with blogs get 55% more website visitors than those without, as reported by a study conducted recently.

    A blog allows a business to consistently provide updated content to its website visitors, which readers appreciate. It can also be used as a platform to offer advice, solve problems, and promote business services or products.

    Additionally, you can share blog posts on social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, which can drive more readers to the business website.

  3. Generates New Leads

    If you want to generate more leads, having consumers subscribe to your email listing is an effective strategy. Unlike asking them to like an ad to get a coupon, subscribing to your email list is less intrusive.

    That said, before requesting this information, you must first build a relationship with potential customers. A blog can help you achieve this by offering readers engaging, original content. 

    When readers spend time on your blog posts, it can also indicate that they like your content and want to learn more. In the long run, this can signify that they are more inclined to interact with your brand and build a relationship with it.

  4. Expand Your Company’s Brand

    Building and maintaining a positive reputation is critical, and blogging is a great approach to achieve this. It allows you to present your unique perspective and ideas to your audience in a novel and interesting way.

    Once your blog has been published, you can distribute it on a variety of channels, including email, social media, and outside websites. You can implement this to establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. People will consequently start coming back to your website to receive more of your authoritative content.

    Essentially, blogging tips for beginners let you demonstrate your knowledge and insights, which positions you and your company as an authority in your industry.

  5. Builds Loyalty and Trust

    A blog provides a platform to share valuable information, answer frequently asked questions, and share company news. By providing high-quality content that showcases your expertise, you can demonstrate to your target market that you are knowledgeable and trustworthy.

    Unlike ads or landing pages, blogging for beginners enables you to connect with your audience on a more personal level, building a relationship based on mutual trust and respect.

    You can position your brand as a thought leader in your industry by following smart blogging tips and continuously producing great content, and eventually fostering business success.

  6. Contributes to Social Media Marketing

    Using social media as just a free advertising space can be a missed opportunity. Instead, it can be a powerful tool for improving customer retention and keeping your brand top-of-mind for interested consumers. To utilize these benefits, you must share informational content that resonates with your target audience.

    By sharing snippets of your blog posts on social media, you can provide your followers with valuable information that will interest them. For instance, you could turn the most insightful pieces of your blog posts into social media graphics. This way, you can refresh your blog content as per your social media feed.

    It’s worth noting that blog businesses tend to have more followers on social media platforms. For example, on average, small businesses that blog have 79% more Twitter followers than those that don’t.

10 Smart Blogging Tips For Beginners

Now we know the numerous benefits of blogs for individuals and businesses; it’s important to know how to set up and grow a blog. Here are ten unique blogging tips that will ensure a successful blog in 2023.

Blogging Tips For Beginners

  1. Invest in a Top-Notch Blogging Platform

    One of the most critical blogging tips is selecting the right content management system (CMS), which is critical to hosting and managing blogs. Finding the one that best meets your needs might be difficult, given the abundance of possibilities.

    While choosing the best CMS software for your blog, consider your budget, customization needs, customer support, and other relevant factors.

    Additionally, if you intend to start a corporate blog, ensure that a CMS is being used to manage your current company website. If not, look for ways to integrate them effortlessly.

    There are many different blogging platforms available, each offering distinct features and benefits. Some of the most popular ones include:

    Note: If you decide to use WordPress, consider checking hosting sites, such as GoDaddy, Bluehost, and Siteground.

    Alternatively, if you are a beginner and want to learn blogging from scratch, consider BloggersPassion. It is a high-quality blog that teaches beginners everything about SEO and money-making blog.

  2. Prioritize Search Intent

    Search intent is the reason why someone searches for a particular word or phrase on Google. Essentially, it’s what they hope to find or achieve by conducting the search. Google strives to display the most fitting pages first, so analyzing them is helpful.

    To bring higher organic search traffic to your website, you must understand search intent. A great way to do this is by researching your target keyword (e.g. home phone service in Virginia) and examining the top-ranking pages.

    These blogging tips include paying attention to how they’re organized and what subtopics they cover. Use these pages as ideas for your own blog post.

    Simply put, examining the pages that appear at the top of search results can assist you in making informed decisions about various aspects of your blog post. This includes

    • Title structure
    • Blog post format
    • Audience attributes (such as beginners or advanced readers)
    • Questions and subtopics to cover
    • Visual elements to include (like images and lists)
    • The ideal length for your post. 

    By closely examining these top-ranking pages, you can gain valuable insights and inspiration that will help you create a successful high intent content.

  3. Send Email Newsletters

    If you’ve been posting to your blog for a month, you may wonder how to gain readers and followers. You should think of blogging tips to turn one-time visitors into returning ones.

    One approach to achieve this is by creating an email newsletter and urging readers to subscribe. You can include a call to action in your blog entries that prompts readers to subscribe. By obtaining their email addresses, you may get in touch with them directly on a regular basis and build a following of loyal readers.

    Another tactic is to get creative in how you gather your readers’ email addresses. For example, you can offer a free resource like a webinar, ebook, guide, or template that readers can download in exchange for providing their contact details.

    This strategy helps you build your email list and provides value to your readers.

  4. Update Older Content

    Over time, it’s natural that your writing style will evolve as you continue on your blogging journey and gain more experience and knowledge. Hence, it is critical to modify and update your older posts to reflect these changes and deliver the most relevant and valuable content possible to your readers.

    Besides, updating your website’s content can help it rank better in search engines. Most users have observed a considerable increase in their rankings and website traffic by updating or rewriting outdated blog entries.

    Once you have a list of posts that need updating, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Take a closer look at the top-ranking pages in your niche to determine what makes them stand out from your content.

    Perhaps some sections of your posts are out of date, or you missed covering some subtopics that are important to your readers. In some cases, a complete rewrite might be necessary if you got it all wrong the first time.

    By taking the time to refresh your content, you’ll keep your readers engaged and informed, improve your website’s search engine rankings, and ultimately, grow your blog’s success.

  5. Maintain Consistency

    As a website owner, you aim to establish a trustworthy relationship with your customers, and you want them to return to your site regularly. One of the most effective blogging tips to accomplish this is through consistent posting, which demonstrates your dedication to your site’s growth and readers.

    Additionally, posting frequently helps your website rank higher in search engine results, increasing its visibility to potential readers.

    As you establish your content strategy, consider checking tips for writing a blog, how often you’ll write, and how often you’ll post. Determine whether one, two, or four posts per week are the ideal frequency for you, keeping in mind your schedule and other commitments.

    If you feel that four posts per week are too much to handle initially, start with one or two posts per week and gradually increase your posting frequency as your website grows. Doing so will cultivate a devoted readership and drive long-term success for your website.

  6. Integrate Your Social Media Networks

    Now, let’s talk about how to attract new visitors to your blog—people who have never visited your site before.

    One easy and free way to promote your blog is by sharing your articles on social media. You can create a profile for your blog on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, using your blog logo as the profile picture. 

    Next, share every new blog post on your pages, along with an eye-catching image, title, and intriguing caption to capture your audience’s interest and encourage them to click.

    By sharing your content on social media and presenting it in a visually appealing way, you can reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your blog.

  7. Create Enticing Titles To Increase CTR

    Creating captivating blog titles is crucial to attracting readers and increasing your blog’s click-through rate (CTR) on search engines and other channels.

    Some types of articles tend to get more clicks than others, primarily because of how their titles are formatted. For instance, you may have clicked on titles that start with the following phrases.

    • “How To…”
    • “Everything You Need To Know About…”
    • “A Guide To…”. 

    Additionally, using odd numbers such as 3, 5, 7, or 9 in your titles can increase their clickability.

    By choosing the right title format, you can pique the interest of your target audience and entice them to read your blog post. 

    It’s essential to remember that your title should accurately reflect the content of your article, as misleading titles can harm your blog’s reputation and discourage readers from returning.

    For those looking for effective tips for writing a blog, the following are some key elements of intriguing blog titles:

    • Specific: The reader should be able to tell from your title exactly what to expect from your piece. Avoid titles that are vague or general and offer little information.
    • Actionable: Your article’s title should make clear the value the reader will receive from reading it. Use actionable terms like “Learn,” “Discover,” “Unlock,” or other expressions that imply activity or a profit.
    • Catchy: An effective title should be memorable and draw readers in. To immediately and successfully capture your readers, use attention-grabbing words or phrases.
  8. Collaborate With Experts in Your Industry

    In addition, connecting with a network of fellow bloggers can be advantageous for learning, idea-sharing, and mutual promotion and support.

    There are a variety of ways to collaborate with industry experts, such as:

    • Reaching out to ask for their opinion or a quote
    • Collaborating on an article or other type of content
    • Conducting research together
    • Co-promoting each other’s content
  9. Track Blog Analytics to Analyze Performance

    A key component of blogging tips is recognizing the success of your blog entries. You can analyze your performance thanks to the numerous website analytics solutions that are readily available. 

    These tools can give you useful information about your readers’ interests, including how many times they share your articles on social media and how many people read them monthly.

    By evaluating this information, you can identify areas where you need to improve and places where you can replicate your success. 

    For instance, if you notice that a particular topic attracts a lot of clicks or shares, you may want to consider creating more articles that relate to that niche or use a similar style or format. 

    Similarly, if a valuable article isn’t getting the attention you expected, it may be necessary to revisit it and consider updating or revising the content.

  10. Look Out for Monetization Opportunities

    How to make money blogging might not be on your mind yet, but blogs are a lucrative option. However, earning extra cash or even a full-time income when you start a blog for free can be worthwhile. So, we’ve got one final tip to plant in your mind for the future.

    To generate revenue from your blog, you must convert your traffic into income. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Offer exclusive content for paid subscriptions to your members.
    • Include affiliate links to products so you can get paid for each sale that occurs on your website.
    • Sell products that are associated with your brand or niche
    • Write sponsored content for businesses willing to pay you to advertise their goods or services.
    • Use your blog as your resume to provide consulting services to clients.
    • Add advertisements to your blog to earn money from clicks and impressions.

    By leveraging these monetization strategies, you can turn your blog into a profitable venture and enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Although it may seem overwhelming at first, don’t be afraid to dream big regarding your blog. Following the right blogging tips can help your blog resonate with the right audiences.

It is time for you to start with these valuable blogging tips, you can transform your blog into a successful and influential publication.

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