If you (as a small business owner) think that you are not at risk of cyber security threats because there are bigger fish in the sea, you are wrong. The reality is that modern scanning techniques and botnets used by malicious entities don’t care about the stature of your business. They look for vulnerabilities in your network to seize confidential digital data and much more.
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Regardless of the latest security technology being developed these days, the best way to tighten up on the cyber security of an organization is to develop an integrated plan that combines the latest technology, technical threat intelligence, and security policies at the same time to include business continuity planning and user training.
Moreover, a business organization or company can also minimize the digital security risks and reduce the cyber-attacks by espousing basic security practices like installing a firewall, a single NordVPN download, and keeping all software and apps updated etc.
Below are some more cyber security tips businesses of all sizes should try to implement,
Top 5 Cyber Security Tips and Best Practices
1. Keep a Good Security Software Suite
A built-in or separately installed antivirus program alone is not enough to protect confidential business data and data transferred via a network. You must also have a security software suite. It can add an extra security layer by protecting you from viruses & spam and offers safe web surfing and protection from email phishing too. Most of the internet service providers also offer security software suites at affordable rates, and you can choose one as per your needs and requirements.
2. Get a Firewall
Cybercriminals are very smart these days, and they first look for network vulnerabilities by using automated scanning techniques for open ports. Ports are the apparatuses by which a business or company connects to the Internet world. For cybercriminals, open ports in your business network are invitations for easy access and exploitation. An active network firewall locks down unnecessary ports that don’t need to be open, thus protecting the organization from cyber-attacks.
A network firewall sets the rules for network ports regarding which ports should be open and which ones should be closed to prevent hackers from accessing a business network. That is the reason a well-configured firewall is considered the first and most important layer of security for any network.
3. Update Router Firmware
Outdated router firmware is an open invitation to hackers. Not only the firmware of internet routers but the entire network of related applications and operating systems should be updated to prevent cyber security threats. Most of the router firmware and firewalls are outdated, usually within a year, and you need to make sure that an update is successfully installed to tighten up the security of your business or company. The majority of the router vendors send automatic updates, while you may need to check the router’s administration menu in order to update it manually. Moreover, you can also search for a router firmware update by visiting the vendor’s official website.
4. Use a VPN with Public WiFi
Free and open Wi-Fi can be distressing for your personal or business data when surfing the web in a public place for personal or business purposes. Always try to use your own Wi-Fi connection when sending an important business email on the go. The use of cellular data is always recommended by the experts, even if you have open Wi-Fi at the coffee shop. However, you can make an open Wi-Fi secure to use by using a trusted and reliable virtual private network with it.
The use of a VPN allows you to log into the open network with an encrypted pathway that keeps data traffic secret from hackers and malicious persons. This NordVPN download link can be used to download NordVPN, which is a well-known and reliable virtual private network.
5. Be Smart about Passwords
Keep the passwords of both online and offline accounts & logins hard to guess and strong. It would help if you kept them secret too. Be quick to change a password if you think it has been compromised. In order to make a password strong, keep it 8 characters long and use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Changing your passwords every 3 months is also a good approach to tighten the cyber security of your business or company.

A Digital marketing expert with a passion for all things digital. With a wealth of experience in the field, can excel at crafting and executing data-driven marketing strategies that drive results. Also, loves to travel and explore new things.