Top 6 Challenges in Field Service Management

Tirtharaj Raman

Senior Writer

6 field service management challenges need to overcome

The job of a field service management is certainly not easy. They need to keep customers happy, harmonize technical work processes and boost revenues. Field service management challenges are an ongoing issue. In fact, 73% of field service companies are struggling to achieve monetary profits.

Technology has proved to be a game-changer in the field service management industry. It tackles many pain points in field service management and drives operational efficiency. Many organizations are resorting to field service management software to solve field service management challenges faced by their clients. It reduces the time, effort and money required in addressing customer grievances.

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There have been many disruptive changes in the field service industry in the past few years that gave rise to many field service management challenges. Automated systems and machine learning have transformed the culture at field service companies. AI in field service is the latest buzzword. In fact, by 2023, 15% of emergency fieldwork will be scheduled by artificial intelligence.

There is never a one-size-fits-all solution in the dynamic field service industry. Managers need to adapt to the business environment and provide a holistic experience. Investing in the right field service management system will help businesses overcome obstacles.

Top 6 Challenges in Field Service Management

Challenges 1. Scheduling For A Diverse Workforce

Globalization has led to a diverse and scattered workforce in most organizations. One of the core responsibilities of field service management tools is task management. It has robust scheduling features that used intelligence augmented algorithms.

Scheduling For A Diverse Workforce

Customization enables field service management solutions to cater to diverse industries. For example, It is possible to manage the field schedules in the construction industry efficiently. Construction field service systems enhance collaboration between builders, material suppliers, contractors, and vendors. This optimizes service delivery and boosts productivity in daily operations. 

Getting a field management tool with effective scheduling will streamline job flow. It will prevent technician crossover, project incompletion and client dissatisfaction. Field service management platforms are a corporate asset in the current competitive environment.

Challenges 2. Capturing Real-Time Data

The days of traditional manual data entry have long gone by. Nowadays, field managers need quick access to real-time business information on their fingertips. However, coordination between on-site staff and operations managers is a struggle. The manual transfer of field data to computed systems can lead to duplication of work and errors.

Field service management software can enable technicians to directly collect and store data. It enables the entry of important parameters such as time spent, parts needed and budget.

Modern field service management tools can also collect the digital signatures of clients. They store before and after pictures of the worksite, along with other vital project data. This data can be synced to back-end systems and lead to better job engagement.

Challenges 3. Unskilled Technicians

Clients expect professional service calls. They do not want an unreasonable quote or service agents who lack basic knowledge. Having an unprepared technician base can lead to inefficiencies and large-scale customer dissatisfaction.

Unskilled Technicians

The best part about getting field service management software is that it is compatible with mobile devices. This enables job-tracking, provides detailed information and reduces repeat visits. Field service management solutions help technicians give reliable quotes and product estimates. Managers can track the live location of technicians through GPS. This facility seamless scheduling and dispatch of items. It is a great way to smoothen the entire service process and leads to higher profitability.

Challenges 4. Poor Business Insights

Managing complex operations in field service management is a difficult task. Managers have to manage invoices, and service histories, thus ensure seamless task flow. Organizations should get tools that have strong operations management capabilities.

Field service technicians need a deep and holistic view of company operations. Hence, they should have complete access to field service management platforms that provide ready data. They should be able to view difference performance parameters and analyze them.

Most field service management systems have advanced reporting options. This makes it possible to display vital information so that employees can get a bird’s eye view. It results in better strategic decisions and helps in long term goal achievement.

Challenges 5. High Operational Costs

All companies need to keep a strict check on their expenses if they want to escalate profits. This is definitely one of the biggest problems of field service managers. Lost equipment, lack of inventory and heavy travel expenses can lead to a huge financial strain.

High Operational Costs

Companies need to leverage the power of new-age systems to bring about cost-efficiency. Incorporating mobility in field service scheduling solutions can help to tackle rising costs. Integration with other accounting software can enhance billing procedures and reduce manual errors. 

Field service management solutions increase process visibility and reduce the productivity gap. This helps organizations to meet customer requirements at the most affordable price. Thus, companies can build huge business revenues and develop a credible brand reputation. 

Challenges 6. Communication Failure

Communication is the key to business success. Sometimes lack of communication with on-site professionals leads to inefficiency. Field service management software can help to overcome communication hurdles. Most systems facilitate real-time calls, messages and video-conferencing through VoIP technology.

This promotes better team collaboration and reduces problems due to miscommunication. On-site workers can remain in sync with the office team, and receive up-date-information on clients. Field service management solutions also improve two-way communication with customers. Technicians can make calls before the visit and understand the issue better. This enables them to take proactive action and results in a great client experience.

Wrapping it up

Change is inevitable in any business industry. The most successful field service organizations embrace change and accept it positively. There’s no doubt that managing a team of experts who work on the field exerts field service management challenges. However, customer field service management tools can help firms gain a massive competitive advantage.

Nearly 50% of field service companies attribute automation as a big contributor to business revenues. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have transformed the way field service technicians work. Harnessing the power of field service scheduling software is an absolute must and can improve all major field service management challenges and improve all major bottom-line results.

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