13 Key Objectives Of Human Resource Management

Khyati Sagar

Senior Writer

13 Key Objectives Of Human Resource Management

Key Takeaways:

  1. Using HRM software is essential for optimizing operational efficiency and time management in modern workplaces.
  2. Continuous upskilling is essential for employees to remain competitive in their respective fields, highlighting the need for ongoing learning and development initiatives.
  3. HRM objectives encompass a wide spectrum, from achieving organizational goals to fostering societal responsibility and nurturing individual growth. Businesses must understand and align with these objectives to foster a positive workplace culture.

The evolution of work calls for a modification in the way people manage their time at workplaces. Businesses strive to maximize operational efficiency, and HRM software comes to the rescue here! The global HRM market is projected to grow at a  CAGR of 11.15% by 2027. 

The growth is further highlighted by the growing specialization of jobs, which requires workers to continuously commit to upskilling to be competitive.

To better utilize HRM software, let’s learn about the primary objectives of human resource management. We’ll also share some additional information!

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Regularly reassess HRM objectives to align with evolving organizational needs and industry trends. Prioritize employee satisfaction and engagement to enhance productivity.

What Is Human Resource Management (HRM)?

 Human Resource Management (HRM) is a broad approach to identifying, cultivating, rewarding, and retaining skilled employees. It involves a range of strategies designed to manage employee information, including salary and attendance, and enable smooth employment processes. HRM also includes activities like hiring new staff, managing expenses, and creating a sense of connection among workers.

HR managers ensure that the organization has the appropriate employee size and skill set. The main goal of HRM is to achieve organizational goals, develop strategies, and hire relevant talent that will assist in accomplishing those goals and objectives.

Human resource software determines a management approach that will best suit the goals and enhance the organization’s culture. At the same time, the approach must be budget-friendly and provide employees with the best workplace environment.

Let’s have a look at the objectives and importance of HRM.

Key Objectives Of Human Resource Management

HRM strategies must be effectively framed and implemented to accomplish the stated objectives. HRM tasks involve huge responsibilities, and each step directly or indirectly affects the organization. So, each aspect of HRM objectives must be assessed in detail.

Let’s understand the objectives of human resource management.

1. Organizational Objectives

Among the first HRM objectives is to clearly understand and accomplish organizational goals. 

The main goal of HRM objectives is to direct human resources to effectively attain the organization’s objectives. The organization has several objectives attaining large profits, business expansions, and diversifying the business portfolio.

The HRM’s responsibility is to assist in accomplishing the organizational goals efficiently through effective planning, recruitment, onboarding, induction, training, and development of human resources. The HRM also provides timely performance-induced appraisals to employees.

The workforce is an organization’s most important aspect of achieving its desired objectives. Employees who are motivated and satisfied with the work environment will work astonishingly well.

2. Functional Objectives

Human resource management aims to maintain coordination and coherence between different departments of the organization. This approach will enhance a positive work environment and boost the workforce’s motivation.

This is not only done to accomplish the goals. The HR professionals ensure that this approach amplifies the overall growth of the employees and organization.

Efficient utilization of the skills and knowledge of every employee is what HRM aims for. This will optimize productivity and provide the desired results. To achieve this functionality objective, the HRM has to make effective decisions regarding recruitment and staffing, HR strategies, training and development, staff cooperation or teamwork, etc.  

This will lead the organization to effective functionality, attain established objectives, and develop healthy employee relationships.

3. Societal Objectives

Every organization has a responsibility toward society. The only motive of any business should not be profit but to delegate a share of that profit towards the betterment of society. The government imposes specific rules and regulations on businesses, namely corporate social responsibility (CSR), which makes these enterprises liable to society.

Societal Objectives By SoftwareSuggest

Societal objectives of HRM are responsible for effectively dealing with and contributing to legal, ethical, social, and environmental issues in whatever way feasible. Legal issues like gender-biased pay and opportunity inequality must be hampered by undertaking appropriate initiatives.

In addition, the social objectives of HRM must be framed to fulfill societal requirements, and effective steps must be taken to evolve society, such as raising awareness about education in remote areas to elevate the literacy rate.

To contribute to solving these issues, HRM must constantly innovate ideas and motivate employees and organizations to participate in these initiatives.

4. Personal Objectives

Apart from the organizational objectives of HRM, there are some personal objectives of HRM as well that are related to the workforce. Personal objective means goals and objectives set by an employee for their personal development. An HR manager must look after the employees’ personal development. 

Employees’ personal goals or objectives can include high salaries, normal or flexible working hours, promotions, respect, recognition, etc. Providing all these leads to employee satisfaction. This approach will assist human resource management in retaining employees.

When employees are able to attain their personal goals, it boosts their morale. It automatically motivates them to work efficiently, and eventually, HR objectives are easily achieved.

5. Employee Motivation

Within HRM, human resource professionals’ main objective is to guarantee efficient operations by minimizing external distractions and negative consequences. It calls for a focus on the motivation and well-being of the workforce.

It’s essential to give employees decision-making power and value their opinions. Regardless of position, regularly incorporating them in meetings and decision-making processes promotes a sense of empowerment and inclusion. Furthermore, in the context of human resource management, policies like performance-based appraisals can support employee motivation and recognition.

A strong performance management system that includes automated feedback methods can maintain staff engagement and productivity over time. A satisfied and happy workforce puts the company in a better position to accomplish its goals.

6. Team Building

One of the primary HR roles and objectives is team building, as coordination among teams is most important for operational optimization. Human resource management must develop certain strategies to improve team performance.

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Objectives of human capital management are an important aspect of HRM. Strategies must be implemented for effective workforce management, functionality, and the finest utilization of talent. 

HR managers’ objectives include team integration as they define the processes and regulations and ensure that everyone is acknowledged with them. Several team-building activities must be conducted to create a professional bond between employees of the same department or other departments.

7. Compliance

Compliance is an important part of the objectives of HRM. Knowing the payroll, recruitment, and rules related to other processes and their compliance is the main job role of HR managers. Heavy fines and penalties can be imposed on the organization if compliance is ineffective.

The HR team needs to be updated on the prevailing rules and amendments regarding the processes to prevent undesired legal claims and actions.
Utilizing automated HRM software will sort this compliance issue, and there will be little to no room for errors. Depending on the organizational goals and objectives, the HR team must make effective decisions related to software procurement.

8. Empowering Employees

Workforce empowerment means offering employees an environment where they feel respected and recognized and can delve into their work effectively. Here, HR plays a vital role as it develops processes where employees can develop their areas of knowledge and hone their skills.

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The HR department creates an environment that provides learning and development opportunities to boost employees’ growth, benefiting both employees and organizations. Employee empowerment can be achieved by increasing job satisfaction and productivity, providing a positive working environment, and taking a supportive approach, among other things.

Hence, for business enterprises to gain long-term success, employee empowerment must be done effectively. It will assist them in retaining experienced personnel and contribute heavily to achieving the goals.

9. Employee Retention

No matter how focused the HRM is on recruiting and onboarding new talent, Employee retention is an equally critical aspect that the human resource management needs to focus on.

HR managers rely on several employee retention strategies to retain their old and experienced employees. These strategies include activities that will accelerate employee satisfaction, offer development programs, increase compensation, offer benefit packages, and develop a culture of open feedback.

By implementing these strategies, employees will stay in the organization for a long time, organizational performance will be optimized to a great extent, and the organization’s reputation will also be enhanced.

10. Positive Workplace Culture

Providing a positive workplace culture is equally important for the HR team than any other HR objectives mentioned above. If the employees are not provided with a healthy, positive environment where they can grow, engage, and amplify their knowledge and productivity, retaining such talent will be tough for the HRM.

Ways To Build Positive Workplace Culture By SoftwareSuggest

There are many ways to develop a positive workplace culture. Still, it is mainly dependent on organizational initiatives to enhance employee engagement, work-life balance, and personal and professional development.

With better planning and strategies, HRM can develop an innovative, collaborative, and trustworthy environment that will benefit employees exponentially. This approach will greatly increase retention rates, performance, and team building.

11. Diversity and Inclusion

No organization must have any discrimination on any grounds like caste, creed, gender, race, etc., as this approach will affect the reputation of an organization and hamper an individual from their right to work and earn their livelihood.

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HR must create a culture where people of diverse races, genders, etc., feel welcomed, valued, motivated, and can swiftly adjust in the workplace. This will diversify the workplace and create a mixed-cultural vibe alongside employee development. Also, a diversified pool of talent can be hired, which will provide the finest results to the organization in accordance with the defined objectives.

12. Training And Development Programs

Ensuring that workers feel secure and well-organized depends on offering them opportunities for both personal and professional growth. The effectiveness of training approaches largely influences employee motivation and the achievement of successful job outcomes. Offering opportunities to employees is an essential strategy for managing the workforce effectively.

However, the complexities of arranging, preparing, conducting, and reviewing training sessions can present major challenges in the field of human resource management. By providing features like automated reminders, streamlined calendars, strong reporting systems, and intuitive monitoring tools, training management software can help reduce these issues.

13. Team Integration

The purpose of team integration is to increase operational effectiveness. Effective interpersonal communication is essential to accomplishing this goal. Finding integration techniques that simplify data access is essential to HRM success. For example, self-service platforms allow employees to communicate with HR staff.

Team Integration Framework By SoftwareSuggest

By defining HRM goals and establishing alignment throughout the company, HR plays a critical role in promoting team integration. Additionally, HR is in charge of helping team members adjust to changing positions by offering support.

Can HRMS Software Help In Achieving Human Resource Objectives?

Investing in HRMS software can help achieve organizational goals. There are a number of ways in which HRMS software can assist in achieving the desired objectives of human resources. 

Some ways in which HRMS software can help achieve human resource objectives are:

1. Streamlined Processes

Almost all the HR processes, like recruitment, performance administration, data management, payrolls, etc., can be automated and streamlined with the assistance of HRMS software. With these tools, HR can multi-task easily and get effective results.

2. Effective Communication

This software offers a centralized platform that will bridge the communication gap between HR professionals internally and between HR and employees. They can easily convey important announcements, new or updated policies or procedures, feedback, etc., which will bring them closer to achieving the objectives.

3. Accurate Decision-Making

With HRMS software, HR executives have access to real-time data regarding an employee’s performance, their behavioral aspect, the tenure they have served, the knowledge and expertise they hold, etc.
With the availability of this information, they can make an informed decision when retaining, and they can fan out different strategies to make the programs effective and improve the productivity of the workforce on the basis of that data.

4. Enhanced Compliance

With HRMS software, HR can effectively integrate and comply with employment laws and company policies. The compliance process can be completely automated as a result, payroll, recruitment, and other processes can be handled effectively.

All in all, with the application of HRMS software, the objectives of the HRM can be effectively achieved as it enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR process and increases the engagement between employees and HR executives.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, organizations need to clearly identify and determine the objectives of human resource management to attain success. This can help them gain a competitive advantage and enhance bottom-line performance.

The goals must be achievable and in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise. Appropriate assistance and resources must be provided to HR professionals to optimize processes like framing the strategies, recruiting, retaining, etc.

With this assistance achieving objectives will be easier, and organizations will observe a huge change in operability and workforce satisfaction, automatically driving organizations toward success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Human resource management objectives include achieving organizational goals, ensuring functional coherence, addressing societal responsibilities, promoting personal development, empowering employees, and fostering team integration.

The primary objective of human resource management is to align organizational goals with effective workforce management, ensuring optimal utilization of talent and achieving organizational success.

The types of HRM objectives include achieving organizational goals, functional objectives like coordination, societal responsibilities, personal development goals for employees, and organizational growth objectives.

HRMS system aids HR objectives by streamlining processes, facilitating effective communication, enabling accurate decision-making with real-time data, and ensuring compliance, thereby enhancing efficiency and engagement.

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