15 Best Project Management Techniques for Project Managers

Rohit Rajpal

Senior Writer

Best Project Management Techniques

“Project managers function as bandleaders who pull together their players, each a specialist with individual score and internal rhythm. Under the leader’s direction, they all respond to the same beat,” says L.R. Sayles, retired professor of managerial behavior at Columbia University.

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Project management technique, in simple words, is a specified, tried-and-tested methodology to start, manage, and complete a project. It is a vital process that drives the success of any organization. In the fast-paced, constantly evolving business world, project managers must comprehensively understand the latest project management techniques to lead their teams toward success.

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Expert Advice

"Project management is all about managing change, and the ability to be flexible and adjust your plans as needed is essential for success. Be willing to learn new techniques and methodologies, and don't be afraid to pivot your approach if it means achieving your project goals more effectively. Implementing the best project management techniques will lead to better team collaboration, optimized workflows, and higher organizational bottom-line results."

In this blog, we’ll explain project management techniques and the most widely used tools and techniques of project management. Read on to determine which works best for you and your team.

What Are Project Management Techniques?

Project management techniques refer to structured methodologies, project management processes, and tools project managers utilize to manage a project’s scope, budget, schedule, and resources. These techniques are the building blocks of project management and help ensure that a project is completed successfully within the defined constraints.

From traditional project planning techniques such as the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) to more recent approaches like Agile and Scrum, a wide variety of techniques are available to project managers. These techniques can help you manage risk, improve communication, optimize resource allocation, and ensure that your project is delivered on time, on budget, and to the required quality standards.

When To Use Project Management Techniques?

Project management techniques are essential for ensuring the success of any project. However, using the right techniques at the right time is just as important as understanding what they are and how they work. Here are some scenarios in which the project management techniques you’ve covered in your blog can be particularly effective:

Project Management Techniques

1. Complex projects

Managing complex projects with multiple stakeholders, vendors, and teams requires the right project management techniques. Agile, Scrum, and Kanban can help break down tasks, promote collaboration and communication, and ensure project success.

2. Uncertainty and Risk

Projects that involve high uncertainty or risk require careful planning and management to stay on track. The Event Chain Methodology (ECM) is a powerful tool for managing risk and uncertainty, as it helps you identify potential issues and adjust your plans proactively.

3. Tight Deadlines and Budgets 

To manage projects with tight deadlines and budgets, optimize resource allocation and identify the critical path using the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). These techniques help manage schedules, complete deliverables on time, and stay within budget.

4. Long-term Projects

Some projects require ongoing planning and monitoring to ensure they stay on track and potential issues are addressed proactively. Earned Value Management (EVM) and Rational Unified Process (RUP) are effective techniques for managing long-term projects, enabling you to measure progress, identify potential issues, and adjust your plans as needed.

How To Apply Project Management Techniques?

You must apply the right project management technique to increase your project’s success rate. Follow these best practices.

  • Define the project goals and objectives: Clearly define the project’s goals, objectives, and deliverables. This will help ensure all stakeholders understand the project’s scope and purpose well. It is also where everyone can share their ideas and improvise the plan.
  • Develop a comprehensive project plan: Create a detailed project plan that outlines the project’s scope, schedule, budget, and resources. Establish clear milestones, deadlines, and project phases to keep the project on track.
  • Choose the appropriate project management technique: Consider project size, complexity, and team composition to determine the most effective technique.
  • Communicate the plan and expectations: Ensure everyone in the team knows their roles, responsibilities, and the project plan. Also, establish a communication plan to encourage open and regular communication between all stakeholders.
  • Monitor and track progress: Regularly monitor and track progress to identify potential risks and issues. Assess progress and make necessary adjustments to the project plan and technique.

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Top Project Management Techniques for Project Managers

Here is the list of project management techniques that are widely used to administer projects efficiently: 

Project Management Techniques

1. PMI or PMBOK 

Type of project management methodology: Traditional

Origin: Founded in 1969, project management became a discipline in the construction, aerospace, and defense industries. In 1969, Gordon Davis of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Jim Snyder, of Smith, Kline & French Laboratories felt the need for an organization that provided project managers a platform to exchange information and experience. This is how 5 people in Georgia, Atlanta founded PMI. 

Project Management Process Phases

What is it?

PMI, or The Project Management Institute (PMI), is a non-profit project management organization founded in the 1960s in the States. The layout guidelines, rules, and project and program portfolio management characteristics. They also offer project management certifications. 

Project Management Body of Knowledge or PMBOK is a book by PMI published in 1996 with all project management information compiled and articulated. Its latest 6th edition was launched in 2017.

The book itemizes a project into 5 segments of processes: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. Despite the debate of PMBOK being a methodology or a structure of projects, the clear thing here is that PMBOK is an efficient project management technique. PMBOK is a classic traditional framework that project managers can use.

Ideal for?

  • You can use the PMBOK technique for any size project since any project will go through the 5 stages mentioned in the PMBOK book. 
  • It is a good project management technique to have everyone on board sharing the same vision for the project.

2. Waterfall Method – Gantt Chart 

Type of project management methodology: Traditional 

Origin: In an article published in 1970, Winston W. Royce, an American computer scientist, first formally described this project management technique. However, then — the term “Waterfall technique” was not used. The term was first mentioned in a paper by T.E. Bell and T.A. Turner in 1976.

What is it?

As the name suggests, the waterfall method trickles responsibilities into finer aspects. The most commonly preferred technique for the Waterfall model is the Gantt chart. Gantt chart is a project management tool and technique that helps visualize tasks, subtasks, and scheduling priorities. It allows planning projects in sprints and milestones across the project management life cycle

It helps you manage multiple tasks from one place and shows you a real-time comparison of planned versus actual timelines in a project. If you want to learn how to create an effective Gantt Chart in M.S. Excel, this will help:

There are also several online Gantt chart software available to help you make detailed Gantt charts with drag-and-drop ease.

Waterfall Method – Gantt Chart


Ideal For: 

  • Large-scale complex projects across any industry follow a rigid structure wherein changes aren’t expected midway due to costs and practicality Example: Construction and manufacturing process
  • Any small and medium-scale projects where midway pivoting and changes are not expected
  • Simple software development projects
  • Projects that have a strict work environment

3. Scrum Framework

Type of project management methodology: Agile

Origin: Scrum officially is a subset of the term “Agile” now — yet, this project planning technique was first called by this name by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka, Harvard professors of Management Studies in 1986, in their paper The New Product Development Game.

What is it? 

Please note that Scrum is not a methodology. It is a framework for applying the methodology of agile into practice. 

Scrum is an evolved, modern-day, agile framework. It replaces linear waterfall projects that use programmed algorithmic methods with heuristic-based, empirical scientific methods. Scrum is one of the best frameworks that empower team members by allowing self-organization during times of unpredictability in a project. It also allows teams to work in Sprints. Sprints are fixed-length intervals that include the sprint planning stage, sprint review, and regular stand-up meetings.

The scrum framework has three defined roles:

Scrum Framework

  • Product Owner: The person who defines goals and objectives and allocates tasks.
  • Scrum Master: The person who sees if everything works within the Scrum framework rules.
  • Development Team: The people who execute the project. 

Talking about development teams:

The Scrum teams are usually small. It is not bigger than 5 to 9 people, with seven being the ideal. Each location should have one scrum team if the teams are positioned in different physical locations.

Scrum Methodology

Ideal for?

  • Scrum is ideal for software development teams.
  • But its components are used across industries like retail, logistics, event planning, or any project requiring a flexible structure.
  • Use the scrum framework when the requirements are unclear initially, and the probability of changes in ongoing projects is high.

4. Kanban

Type of project management methodology: Agile 

Origin: Toyota first used the Kanban approach in the late 1940s to control the production rate of its vehicles by using the rate of demand. The Japanese automobile company applied it to their main plant machine shop in 1953.

What is it?

The literal translation of the word “Kanban” means billboard in Japanese. And rightly so, because Kanban takes a visual approach to collaborative project management

Kanban displays work items on a Kanban board for everyone to track workflow and progress from one place. The work items flow from one development stage to another. You can rename the stages in Kanban boards and increase or decrease their numbers according to your current project requirements. 

Its user interface limits the “Work in Progress” phase and pushes people to move from “Doing” to “Done” status. Every time you add a task to the “done” list, it triggers your internal reward system, which releases dopamine. This feel-good chemical motivates you to add more tasks to your “done” list.

To check this out for yourself, start your day with a checklist. Mark the tasks done as you go about finishing them. You will see that at the end of the day. You will be multiple times more productive than you would otherwise be. Use Google Keep to try this. 

Here is a sample Kanban board:

Kanban Board

Unlike most project management tools and techniques in the Kanban approach, there is no dedicated timeline or deadline. It is up to you to decide if this is an advantage or a disadvantage. 

How does this translate into the software?

Visual planning boards have gone obsolete in a software era like ours. But the Kanban method has not. Now there are new uses for Kanban tools and Kanban methods. Agile teams use the Kanban approach in project management tools for backlog planning in software development, storyboarding user stories, etc. 

Here is a Kanban board in a project management software: 

Ideal for:

  • Initially developed for manufacturing and software teams, the Kanban is now used across industries like organizational strategy, executive process, human resources, marketing,
  • and accounts receivable and payable. 
  • Almost any collaborative team with a heavy inflow of incoming requests with varying sizes and priorities can use the Kanban approach.

5. Event chain methodology (ECM)

Type of project management methodology: Change Management

Origin: Lev Virine proposed the Event chain methodology from 2002 to 2004. In the 2013 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium proceedings, April 22–24, in Chicago. Lev Virine is a software developer, structural engineer, and project manager. 

What is it?

ECM aims to track, predict, and manage events that impact the project schedule. It’s an advanced form of the critical path method and critical chain project management and helps with more accurate estimating and scheduling plans.

This project planning technique checks motivational and cognitive biases while estimating and scheduling a project. This improves the accuracy of risk assessment and, therefore, generates more realistic risk-adjusted project schedules. It is a change methodology because it is highly adaptable to external and internal situations.

The event chain methodology is based on 6 main principles here they are: 

  1. Moment of Risk and Status– During a project, external events will affect the project negatively or positively. 
  2. The Chain of Events – a delay in one part of the project will cause delays in other parts. 
  3. The Monte Carlo Simulation is a statistical technique that calculates probabilities of risks during a project.
  4. Critical Event Strings – event chains that will most impact the project. Project managers must identify these critical event strings to mitigate their potential negative impact.
  5. Performance tracking with Event Chains – project managers need to use the Monte Carlo simulation data and keep the actual performance metrics updated.
  6. Event Chain Diagrams – helps visualize risks by showing relationships between events and tasks and their impact on each other. 

Event chain methodology (ECM

Ideal for:

  • Projects with great uncertainty throughout the project life cycle.
  • Projects when accurate risk analysis of all factors needs to be accurately measured

6. Extreme Project Management

Type of project management methodology: Change Methodology 

Origin: Extreme Project Management (XPM), as a concept, originated in 2004 in the book Extreme Project Management by Douglass DeCarlo. You can find the book here.

What is it:

The extreme project management method allows altering the project plan, budgets, and outcomes to fit the changing needs at any project stage. 

In other words, it offers a people-driven approach instead of a process-driven approach, meaning that in XPM, people adapt models to fit the project, not otherwise. XPM is a response to the rigidity of traditional project management. It is of short duration and open to flexibility, so plans, budgets, and more can change anytime in the project.

This project management technique helps manage the unknown factors in your project, installs confidence in your stakeholders, and is a holistic approach to project management based on facts and using experts to get the job done.

Ideal for

  • Projects that have an emphasis on the short-term
  • Projects that are only a few weeks or even days long
  • Projects where the focus is on the results and not the process

7. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Type of project management technique: Agile

Origin: The U.S. Navy Special Projects Office established the PERT project management technique in 1957 to help the U.S. Navy plan and control its Polaris missile program.

What is it

PERT is an acronym for Program Evaluation and Review Technique. This project management technique primarily helps with time and budget estimates. This project management technique calculates and manages probabilities by using many statistical methods.

PERT breaks down tasks into detailed activities and then adds these to a Gantt chart to identify those dependent on one another. With these insights, an illustrative map, the PERT chart, is created of the network of activities and their interdependencies. You can see it below. On the PERT chart, nodes represent the events, and activities are represented by arrows drawn from one node (event) to another base.

All these arrows also have the time duration mentioned with them. The earliest time (T.E.) and the latest time (T.L.) for every activity are written out, along with the slack time for each activity.

PERT chart

Ideal for:

  • Large projects with complex requirements
  • Complex projects with a high number of non-routine tasks

8. Critical Path Method

Type of project management technique: Traditional

Origins: DuPont Company was the largest chemical company in history in terms of sales. It established the Critical Path Method in 1957.

The project management techniques founders were two mathematicians who wanted to do away with the additional schedule-related costs of shutting down and firing chemical plants. They created this technique to schedule tasks effectively.

What is it

This CPM project management technique is a scheduling algorithm. It primarily identifies a project’s longest sequence of critical tasks. These tasks are crucial to identify to mitigate risks and meet deadlines.

Here’s how it works:

  1. First, identify and categorize all the project tasks according to their importance
  2. Second, now you define the expected time each task would require 
  3. Find out the interdependencies between the tasks.
  4. Determine the type of dependencies between tasks:
  5. Task 1 and Task 2 need to be done simultaneously
  6. Task 2 can be done after finishing Task 1
  7. To begin working on Task 2, you must start working on Task 1 first. 
  8. Finish Task 1 to start and finish Task 2

Critical Path Method

Ideal for

  • Projects with rigid deadlines and timelines (e.g., software development or construction projects)
  • Projects with several interdependent tasks
  • Projects with repetitive tasks


Type of project management technique: Traditional

Origin: In 1989, the U.K. government adopted PROMPT II variation as a standard for project management in the I.T. sector. PROMPT II is the earlier variation of PRINCE 2. PRINCE2 originated in 1996 as a generic project management method. As of today, it is the official project management technique for all U.K. government projects.

What is it

PRINCE2 stands for Projects IN Controlled Environments. It is a structured certified methodology.

Created by the U.K. government for software projects, this project management technique is unlike other traditional methods like Waterfall as it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

It follows 7 principles and themes.

The 7 themes are:

  1. Business Case: to see if the project is worthwhile and achievable
  2. Organization: definite roles and responsibilities 
  3. Quality: defining the desired quality of the end product
  4. Plans: how to achieve targets.
  5. Risk: predict and avoid risks 
  6. Change: change requests amidst projects
  7. Progress: tracking vitals of the project

The 3 principles are: 

  1. Continued Business Justification — Regularly updating the business case to ensure the project’s usability.
  2. Learning from experience — Every project has a lesson log that one can refer to avoid remaking already established workflows again.
  3. Defining roles and responsibilities — to assign roles and responsibilities to all team members 

Roles are divided into 4 different levels:

  • The corporate management/program management level
  • The project board-level
  • The project manager level
  • The team level
  1. Managing by stages — Each stage of project development is managed differently by updating the business case, risk factors, and project plan.
  2. Managing by exception — When specific details such as the project scope or budget change, the question of how to continue the proves goes to a higher management level.
  3. Product focus — Extensive focus is placed on the quality of the result of the project.
  4. Customizing to suit the project environment — This point is to customize the complexity, risk estimation, size, and importance of the developing project.

Ideal for:

  • Adopted by many governments, PRINCE2 is not a preferred choice for smaller projects.

10. Rational Unified Process (RUP)

Type of project management techniques: Agile 

Origin: The Rational Software Corporation 2003 established Rational Unified Process.

What is it:

RUP, or The Rational Unified Process, is an agile management structure extensively used for software development. 

This project development techniques 4 different stages:

  • Inception   To decide if the project is worthwhile and doable.
  • Elaboration – To focus on possible software applications and cost aspects during the development.
  • Construction – The stage where the project is developed and tested.
  • Transition – The software makes adjustments or updates based on inputs from end-users.

Each of the 4 phases mentioned above has the main objective and involves the following 6 development disciplines:

  • Business Modeling
  • Requirements
  • Analysis & Design
  • Implementation
  • Testing 
  • Deployment 

Note that if you successfully do not reach the first stage’s main objective, you cannot move on to the second stage.

Ideal for:

  • All sizes of software development projects
  • Software development projects should have a predictable deadline and budget.

11. Agile Methodology

Type of project management technique: Agile

Origins: Agile methodology emerged in software development in the early 2000s. It was developed as a response to the shortcomings of the traditional Waterfall approach.

What is it:

Agile project management methodology emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and a customer-centric approach. It is based on iterative and incremental development and allows for changes and adjustments throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Agile Methodology

Here’s how it works:

  • First, the project team identifies the goals and requirements of the project
  • Second, the team creates a prioritized list of tasks, known as a product backlog
  • The team then works on these tasks in short sprints, usually lasting between one to four weeks
  • After each sprint, the team reviews and adjusts the project’s direction based on the feedback received

Ideal for:

  • Projects with rapidly changing requirements
  • Projects that require a high degree of collaboration and communication between team members
  • Projects with a focus on delivering value to the customer

12. Lean Six Sigma

Type of project management technique: Lean Six Sigma

Origins: The Lean Six Sigma methodology originated in the manufacturing industry in the 1980s. It was developed by Motorola and popularized by General Electric.

What is it:

Lean Six Sigma is a project management methodology that combines Lean principles with Six Sigma quality management practices. It aims to eliminate waste and reduce defects to improve efficiency and quality.

Here’s how it works:

  • First, the project team identifies the project goals and objectives
  • Second, the team maps out the current process and identifies areas of waste or inefficiency
  • They then apply Lean principles to eliminate waste and improve efficiency
  • Six Sigma quality management practices are used to reduce defects and improve quality

Ideal for:

  • Projects focused on process improvement and quality control
  • Projects in the manufacturing industry

13. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

Type of project management technique: Agile

Origins: DSDM emerged in the 1990s as a response to the failure of traditional project management techniques in the software development industry.

What is it

DSDM is an Agile project management methodology emphasizing continuous user involvement and testing throughout the project lifecycle. It is designed to deliver high-quality software products within a set timeframe and budget.

Here’s how it works:

  • DSDM involves six stages, starting with the feasibility study and continuing to implementation and maintenance.
  • The methodology encourages early and frequent involvement of stakeholders, including end-users, to ensure that the final product meets their needs.
  • DSDM also emphasizes iterative development, allowing teams to adjust courses as needed throughout the project.

Ideal for

  • Software development projects with a high level of complexity and uncertainty and projects requiring a flexible and adaptable approach.

14. Crystal Methodology

Type of project management technique: Agile

Origins: Alistair Cockburn developed the Crystal methodology in the 1990s as a response to the limitations of traditional project management techniques.

What is it

Crystal is a family of Agile project management methodologies emphasizing communication, teamwork, and simplicity. It is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing teams to tailor the methodology to fit the specific needs of their project.

Here’s how it works:

  • Crystal is based on core principles, including frequent delivery, reflective improvement, and active user involvement.
  • The methodology encourages close collaboration between team members, focusing on communication and knowledge sharing.
  • It also stresses the importance of simplicity, avoiding unnecessary complexity and bureaucracy.

Ideal for

  • Small to medium-sized projects with a relatively stable scope and high flexibility.

15. Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

Type of project management technique: Agile

Origins: The Adaptive Project Framework was first introduced in 1995 by Highsmith and Cockburn in their book “Winning with Software: An Executive Strategy.” It was designed to address the limitations of traditional project management methodologies in software development.

What is it

The Adaptive Project Framework is an Agile methodology that prioritizes flexibility and collaboration. It emphasizes iterative development and focuses on delivering value to the customer promptly and efficiently. APF is based on the concept of learning through experimentation and adjustment.

Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

Here’s how it works:

  • Identify the project goals, stakeholders, and customer needs.
  • Break down the project into smaller, more manageable chunks called iterations.
  • Prioritize the iterations based on customer value and project goals.
  • Develop and deliver each iteration in a time-boxed cycle.
  • Review and adjust the project plan and priorities based on feedback from stakeholders and customers.
  • Continuously adapt the project plan based on new information and changing requirements.

Ideal for:

  • Projects with changing requirements and priorities.
  • Projects with stakeholders and customers who are actively involved in the development process.
  • Projects that require flexibility and adaptability.
  • Projects that prioritize delivering value to the customer in a timely and efficient manner.


We hope this list of project management tools and techniques will help you find the right ones. Now that you have chosen the right project management techniques for you and your team, it is time to find the right tool to implement in your daily operations.

Also Read: Best Project Management Tools Australia

SoftwareSuggest has the best project management tools based on user ratings, features, and ease of use. Check out the unbiased list here.

Frequently Asked Questions


Project management techniques provide a structured approach to planning, executing, and completing projects within the defined scope, timeline, and budget. These techniques help identify potential risks and issues, allocate resources, and communicate effectively with stakeholders.

Yes, project management software can significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of project management techniques. These tools provide features like task management, team collaboration, progress tracking, and reporting, making project management more organized, automated, and transparent.

Essential project planning techniques for project management include:

  1. Defining project scope
  2. Setting realistic goals and objectives
  3. Creating a project plan
  4. Breaking down tasks and assigning responsibilities
  5. Estimating resource requirements
  6. Developing a project schedule
  7. Identifying potential risks and issues.
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