10 Types of Performance Appraisal Systems: A Detailed Guide

Priya Naha

Senior Writer

Types of Performance Appraisal Systems

Key Takeaways:

  1. Performance appraisal is a crucial aspect of HR management that is growing. It gives direction to businesses aiming to increase productivity and foster employee growth.
  2. An employee’s performance is measured and assessed as part of the performance appraisal process, which includes identifying strengths and potential improvement areas, creating goals, getting feedback, and comparing outcomes to objectives.
  3. Some of the most popular types of performance appraisals include negotiated appraisals, 350-degree appraisals, 720-degree feedback, MBO, assessment centers, peer assessment, BARS, self-appraisal, customer reviews, and HRA.

The rise in HR management has opened doors for employees. The global HRM  market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.7% from 2023 to 2030 and reach USD 56.15 billion by 2030.

Looking for Performance Appraisal Software? Check out SoftwareSuggest’s list of the best Performance Appraisal Software solutions.

 And being a vital part of human resource management, the performance appraisal strategy is also witnessing a boost! It provides direction for businesses looking to enhance productivity and promote employee growth.

Why is performance evaluation essential for businesses looking to prosper and excel? By diving into this important question, we’ve conducted an in-depth study of performance evaluation, revealing the different types of performance appraisal, its benefits, drawbacks, and tips.

So, let’s start revolutionizing HR strategies with performance appraisal and make our businesses achieve greater heights. 

What is Performance Appraisal?

Performance appraisal is an organized process to review how well an employee is doing at their job. It looks at things like their skills, how often they show up for work, how hard they work, and their attitude. The employee’s manager or supervisor does this assessment based on criteria set by the management team.

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Encourage a culture of constant improvement and feedback to guarantee the success of appraisals. Set specific SMART objectives, maintain regular communication, and balance encouragement and constructive criticism. To empower employees, promote self-evaluation and establish individualized growth plans. Adopt a variety of methods for evaluation to gain unique insights and promote organizational performance.

Types of Performance Appraisals

To evaluate employee performance within an organization is a crucial task. To make things organized, there are different types of appraisal methods to assess employees’ contributions, skills, and accomplishments.

Let’s take a look at the various types of performance appraisal methods.

1. Negotiated Appraisal

Negotiated appraisal is among the dynamic and collaborative types of performance appraisal methods. It employs a mediator in the process of assessing an employee’s performance.

 Prior to presenting any critiques, the evaluator emphasizes the positive aspects of the employee’s work. This performance appraisal method proves beneficial in cases where there is tension or disagreement between the employee and the manager.

2. 360-Degree Appraisal

The 360-degree appraisal is among the different types of performance appraisal processes where managers, team leaders, and colleagues review how well an employee is doing without revealing their names. They provide one-on-one feedback later.

Over 85% of all Fortune 500 companies use the 360-degree appraisal process. The 360-degree appraisal is all about offering feedback, not judging how well an employee is doing.

360-Degree Appraisal

This method involves a continuous interaction system that lets you figure out what you’re good at and where you can improve. Additionally, it helps you aim for the highest-paying jobs in the organization.

3.  720-Degree Feedback 

The 720-degree feedback, an upgraded version of the 360-degree feedback, is among the performance appraisal processes that provide an extensive assessment by including clients, suppliers, stakeholders, peers, supervisors, and subordinates. 

A 720 degree performance appraisal is assessing an employee from every angle and promptly providing feedback. The goal is to help the person reach their targets by the next evaluation.

The seven stages make up the 720-degree feedback process:

  • Pre-appraisal feedback
  • Self-appraisal
  • Coworker/colleague appraisal
  • Customer appraisal
  • Direct report and subordinate appraisal
  • Manager or supervisor appraisal
  • Post-appraisal feedback

4. Management By Objectives (MBO)

Management By Objectives (MBO) is a goal-oriented approach where a manager and an employee work together to set clear goals and make a plan to achieve them. It’s like a system that checks how well employees are doing by comparing their actual performance to the goals they’ve agreed upon.

Management By Objectives (MBO)

This method promotes accountability, effective communication, and employee involvement. Goal-setting, performance-planning, tracking progress, and final assessment are among the steps of MBO.

5. Assessment Centers

Assessment centers are among the types of appraisal methods that use a variety of ways to evaluate employees in simulated workplace environments. 

Assessment centers assess how people behave in certain situations at work. It includes different evaluations like job simulations, interviews, and psychological tests. Job simulations help see how well candidates perform behaviors important for the job.

A bunch of skilled people watch and use various methods to evaluate behavior. They make notes of their judgments. These notes are combined in a meeting or by averaging them. Through discussion, they come up with evaluations of how well the people being assessed did on different aspects or factors.

6. Peer Assessment

Peer assessment is when coworkers write reviews about each other’s work during performance evaluations. This helps keep track of performance and find ways to get better. Usually, it’s done by colleagues on the same team. Typically, supervisors and managers aren’t included in evaluations done by their colleagues.

Peer Assessment

By encouraging teamwork and a sense of shared responsibility, this approach motivates workers to offer helpful criticism. Therefore, it provides a well-rounded perspective on an individual’s performance.

7. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

The BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale) is a measuring tool that evaluates how well new employees or trainees are doing based on specific behaviors. These behaviors are clearly defined and used to give a rating to each person.

 Imagine a vertical scale with numbers from five to nine, where each number shows how well someone is doing – from not-so-good to really good. This scale is crucial in organized interviews.

 It combines stories, measured ratings, and important events, giving both detailed and numerical information. The main aim is to avoid mistakes in rating that often happen with regular rating scales.

8. Self-Appraisal

A self-appraisal is when you take a look back at your work and think about how well you did. You think about what you did well, where you need to improve, and how you’ve progressed. The main point is to let you be in control of your professional growth. 


After doing this self-assessment, you’ll usually have a meeting with your manager to discuss your thoughts and set goals for the future.

Self-evaluation assists managers and supervisors in seeing things from an employee’s perspective, providing a better understanding of the employee’s career growth.

9. Customer or Client Reviews

A customer service performance review is like a checkup done by a manager to see how well an employee is doing in helping customers. The manager looks at how the employee talks to customers, deals with questions and problems, and how their work affects the company’s overall success.

In simple terms, it’s a regular check on the employee’s job performance to make sure your customer service team is doing a good job in assisting customers. This check helps maintain a high standard of service, gives feedback to the team, finds areas for improvement, and keeps everyone motivated.

10. Human Resource Accounting (HRA)

The Human Resource Accounting Method is used to measure employee performance based on the money the company spends on them. It compares an employee’s performance to their salary and other costs. The goal is to figure out the overall cost of keeping an employee compared to what they bring to the organization.

Human Resource Accounting

This appraisal looks at things like the quality of work, overhead costs, average service value per unit, interpersonal skills, and more. The idea is to see if the benefits the company gets from an employee, considering recruiting, hiring, training, and development costs, are worth the overall expense. In simple terms, it’s about evaluating employees based on how much they cost the company and the value they provide.

How Performance Appraisals Work?

Human resource departments frequently develop performance evaluation tools to help employees advance. Using the tool, HR and managerial staff provide feedback on an individual’s performance. 

Companies can have limited resources to offer rewards like bonuses or pay hikes. Conducting performance appraisals helps determine how to best deploy these resources. Additionally, these evaluations help to identify ways for people to develop their skill sets and advance their careers.

How Performance Appraisals Work

Employees and their managers can use performance reviews to create a systematic approach to professional development that includes adopting beneficial training initiatives and gradually elevating responsibilities. 

Regular and consistent interactions strengthen the relationship between employees and managers, provide a comprehensive understanding of roles, and lessen stress for all parties involved. Through appraisals, businesses can better highlight the individuals who contributed to their growth and properly recognize and reward their top performers.

What Are The Benefits of Performance Appraisals? 

Performance appraisals have many benefits. They help acknowledge what an employee is good at. By regularly evaluating team members, managers and employees can communicate better.  It helps make plans to improve areas where an employee can do better and gives them extra training if needed. Some other benefits of performance appraisals are:

They help in deciding multiple things about human resources, like promotion or increment.
They help employees get better at their jobs.
They determine the goals an organization should have in the future.
They boost employee morale.
They reward the top-performing employees.

What Are The Drawbacks of Performance Appraisal?

Performance appraisals can be useful for managers, but they also have challenges. Since they depend on people’s opinions, there might be unfair judgments. The feedback given, happening every few months or once a year, may not really show how well an employee is doing right now. Sometimes, seniors might give general comments that can be misunderstood. There are more issues, too:

They take a long time to conduct.
They might create unhealthy competition among employees.
They can make the workplace stressful.
Using the wrong type of performance appraisal.
Setting unrealistic goals.

Essential Tips for Successful Performance Appraisals

Adopting a  strategy that promotes positive communication and growth while conducting performance reviews is essential. We’ll look at five tips to help you conduct successful performance appraisals.

Tips for Successful Performance Appraisals

1. Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Ensure your employee, and you understand the tasks, responsibilities, and performance standards associated with the position before conducting a performance appraisal. This clarity aids in laying the groundwork for instructive dialogues and evaluations.  Use strategies like  SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals to guide your evaluations.

2. Maintain Regular Feedback

Effective performance reviews necessitate constant feedback and communication. Establish consistent feedback routes to offer ongoing suggestions, fix issues, and acknowledge accomplishments. This systematic technique promotes employee growth and guarantees that there won’t be any surprises at the formal appraisal.

3. Use A Balanced Approach

The evaluation of performance must be balanced. Recognize both achievements and areas that require improvement. Appreciate and express satisfaction for accomplishments and offer constructive criticism to resolve setbacks. Utilize both qualitative and quantitative data to provide a thorough evaluation of an employee’s work.

4. Encourage Self Evaluation

Include a self-evaluation element to encourage employees to take responsibility for their work. Encourage them to reflect on their accomplishments, challenges, and development areas. This self-evaluation not only offers valuable data but also encourages self-awareness and accountability.

5. Create Personalized Growth Plans

Performance appraisals are an opportunity to outline development plans tailored to each employee’s needs.  Develop practical growth plans, including opportunities for skill development, training, and promotion in collaboration. It shows your dedication to their professional development.


Performance appraisals play a crucial role in shaping professional development. They also serve as a comprehensive tool for assessing employees from diverse perspectives, including clients, suppliers, stakeholders, peers, supervisors, and subordinates.

While performance appraisals offer multiple advantages, they are not without challenges. To mitigate the issues, the importance of selecting the right appraisal method, allocating time and resources, and incorporating employee feedback is emphasized.

As organizations continue to evolve in the dynamic landscape of HRM, leveraging effective performance appraisal strategies remains key for fostering employee success and overall business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

The evaluation and assessment of an employee's work performance is the main objective of a performance appraisal. Feedback is given to increase productivity, identify areas for strength and progress, and help make decisions about promotions, training, and development.

Performance appraisals help to assess how well employees are doing their jobs, offer feedback for improvement, create goals, recognize accomplishments, identify areas for improvement, enhance communication, and inform HR decisions, improving organizational success.

Most organizations conduct performance appraisals annually or semi-annually. Regular reviews assist in assessing employee achievements, establishing goals, offering feedback, and enhancing general productivity and engagement.

AI-driven continuous feedback, customized metrics, and comprehensive evaluation will be the aspects of the future of performance review. Employee development and organizational success will be revolutionized by emphasizing skill development and real-time insights.

Performance appraisals are criticized for being subjective, demotivating, time-consuming, and encouraging competition over collaboration. They frequently don't provide real-time feedback or measure employee contributions accurately.

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