Are you struggling to find the perfect Restaurant POS Software that aligns with your complex demands? Our curated list of top-tier solutions offers personalization to meet your unique needs. Additionally, we've created a comprehensive comparison of Restroworks vs. Limetray - Restaurant Management all in one place to simplify your decision-making process. Restroworks is rated 4.8 while Limetray - Restaurant Management is rated 4.1.
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List of All Restaurant POS SoftwareSoftwareSuggest offers verified & unbiased user reviews based on user ratings and feedback. Our ratings and reports do not contain any paid placements. Learn more about our ranking methodology.
Plans and Pricing
Compare pricing of Restroworks vs Limetray - Restaurant Management with the following detailed pricing plan info. Restroworks has not provided information about its pricing. On the other hand, Limetray - Restaurant Management comes in 1 packages: Yearly Plan.
Some vendors offer only custom pricing based on specific customer needs. This is because every client's requirements vary greatly- influencing the final cost. For accurate pricing, reach out to the vendor directly for personalized quotes.
- Free Plan
- Free Trial
- Free Plan
- Free Trial
Compare between Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management based on their key features and functionalities to pick the right one for your business.
- Billing And Invoicing
- Loyalty Programs
- Inventory Management
- Food And Beverage Costing
- Warehouse Management
- Gift Card Management
- Customer Relationship Management (crm)
- Payroll Management
- Mobile Pos
- Discount And Promotion Management
- Performance Management
- Offline Mode
- Pos Invoicing
- Security And Permissions
- Billing And Invoicing
- Loyalty Programs
- Inventory Management
- Food And Beverage Costing
- Warehouse Management
- Gift Card Management
- Customer Relationship Management (crm)
- Payroll Management
- Mobile Pos
- Discount And Promotion Management
- Performance Management
- Offline Mode
- Pos Invoicing
- Security And Permissions
Take a look at the below screenshots and seamlessly compare the user interface of Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management for better insights.
Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management have been awarded by SoftwareSuggest for the selected categories. These awards have been given on the basis of the overall performance of this software in the Restaurant POS Software category.

User Reviews
Based on all the user reviews and ratings received by Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management in Restaurant POS Software category, we've provided an average user rating for each software below. Restroworks has 94 reviews while Limetray - Restaurant Management has 16 reviews
Support team and service follow-up of the issues.
Posted by - Prashant Mohite
There are a lot of good features in the software.I like the billing interfaces ease and user-friendliness.The reports panel is enriched with a lot of good reports; we can find a report for anything that we want to check.The gem is the Cockpit App, which allows us to have reporting easily on our mobile device.
Posted by - Himanshu Saklani
Database updating is a huge task, with too many processes to publish data.
Posted by - Sahil
Nothing as of now as we started using it for our operations, and so far we are happy and have faced no such bottleneck for which there is no solution extended.
Posted by - Gaurav
Robust API, web-based deployment system, one-time payment system. Reporting is fast and accurate.
Posted by - Gowtham
Alert you the moment a customer places an order. In-app push notifications keep you updated with each activity. Easy table reservation system with detailed reporting of reserved and unserved tables.
Posted by - Pinkal
You need to do good homework to work over this. At times, some orders got clubbed if the server is down. Can’t be customized as per the latest organization needs.
Posted by - Veerdip
Needs to work on its delivery channel with other vendors. Sometimes, some orders do not show up at all or show up a little late. We once faced this issue.
Posted by - Shourrya
Check out the specifications of Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management. Learn about their accessibility features, customer support channels, payment methods, and device compatibility.
- Freelancers
- Startups
- SMBs
- Mid-Market
- Enterprises
- Free Trial
- Mobile Support
- Lifetime Free Plan
- Customization
- Phone
- Live Support
- Training
- Tickets
- Yearly
- Monthly
- Onetime (Perpetual License)
- Transaction
- Web App
- Windows
- macOS
- iOS
- Android
- Freelancers
- Startups
- SMBs
- Mid-Market
- Enterprises
- Free Trial
- Mobile Support
- Lifetime Free Plan
- Customization
- Phone
- Live Support
- Training
- Tickets
- Yearly
- Monthly
- Onetime (Perpetual License)
- Transaction
- Web App
- Windows
- macOS
- iOS
- Android
To gain a better understanding of how these Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management work, you can check out the videos below. Browse through the videos and make the right choice.
Company Details
Get insight into the company details Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management and learn how they operate. Explore the company name, its location, and more!
POSist Technologies Pvt Ltd
What level of customer support can I expect from Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management?
Restroworks provides customer support over various channels including phone, email, live support and tickets, and Limetray - Restaurant Management provides customer support over phone, email, live support and more.
Do Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management offer a free trial?
Restroworks provides a free trial, while Limetray - Restaurant Management doesn’t offer free trial.
Which is the better option between Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management?
This depends on various factors, such as your requirements, costs, integrations, customer support, and more. However, based on customer ratings, Restroworks has an advantage over Limetray - Restaurant Management.
What are the key features of Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management?
Key features of Restroworks include table management, order management, menu management, inventory management, billing and invoicing, customer relationship management (crm), while Limetray - Restaurant Management offers features, such as online ordering, table reservation, menu management, customer relationship management (crm).
Restroworks and Limetray - Restaurant Management cater to which types of businesses?
Restroworks is suitable for Startups, SMBs & Enterprises, whereas Limetray - Restaurant Management is suitable for Startups, Enterprises & SMBs.