As one of the most essential tools in the current market, Appointment Management System solutions are in high demand. To assist you in selecting the optimal software, we've conducted a side-by-side comparison of Setmore and Square Appointments. For a better product experience, Setmore offers customer support on Email, Phone, Live Support and Training and Square Appointments offers customer support on Email, Training and Tickets.
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List of All Appointment Management SystemSoftwareSuggest offers verified & unbiased user reviews based on user ratings and feedback. Our ratings and reports do not contain any paid placements. Learn more about our ranking methodology.
Plans and Pricing
Compare pricing of Setmore vs Square Appointments with the following detailed pricing plan info. Setmore has not provided information about its pricing. On the other hand, Square Appointments comes in 1 packages: Basic.
Some vendors offer only custom pricing based on specific customer needs. This is because every client's requirements vary greatly- influencing the final cost. For accurate pricing, reach out to the vendor directly for personalized quotes.
- Free Plan
- Free Trial
- Free Plan
- Free Trial
Compare between Setmore and Square Appointments based on their key features and functionalities to pick the right one for your business.
- Appointment History
- Time Zone Detection
- Integrations
- Social Media Integration
- Calendar Management
- Recurring Appointments
- Rescheduling
- Appointment Management
- Calendar Sync
- Website Integration
- Staff Management
- Personalization
- Customer Management
- Automated Reminders
- Class And Group Booking
- Appointment History
- Time Zone Detection
- Integrations
- Social Media Integration
- Calendar Management
- Recurring Appointments
- Rescheduling
- Appointment Management
- Calendar Sync
- Website Integration
- Staff Management
- Personalization
- Customer Management
- Automated Reminders
- Class And Group Booking
Take a look at the below screenshots and seamlessly compare the user interface of Setmore and Square Appointments for better insights.
Setmore and Square Appointments have been awarded by SoftwareSuggest for the selected categories. These awards have been given on the basis of the overall performance of this software in the Appointment Management System category.

User Reviews
Based on all the user reviews and ratings received by Setmore and Square Appointments in Appointment Management System category, we've provided an average user rating for each software below. Setmore has 1 review while Square Appointments has not received any reviews. Be the first one to write Square Appointments review
Setmore empowers customers to self-schedule appointments with your custom Booking Page. Setmore empowers your business with a free online scheduling platform thats beautifully designed and super intuitive.
Posted by - Augustus
Setmore can not connect providers with resources at that time, and I wanted a software that can do that
Posted by - Augustus
No reviews yet. Be the first to review
Write a ReviewSpecifications
Check out the specifications of Setmore and Square Appointments. Learn about their accessibility features, customer support channels, payment methods, and device compatibility.
- Freelancers
- Startups
- SMBs
- Mid-Market
- Enterprises
- Free Trial
- Mobile Support
- Lifetime Free Plan
- Customization
- Phone
- Live Support
- Training
- Tickets
- Yearly
- Monthly
- Onetime (Perpetual License)
- Transaction
- Web App
- Windows
- macOS
- iOS
- Android
- Freelancers
- Startups
- SMBs
- Mid-Market
- Enterprises
- Free Trial
- Mobile Support
- Lifetime Free Plan
- Customization
- Phone
- Live Support
- Training
- Tickets
- Yearly
- Monthly
- Onetime (Perpetual License)
- Transaction
- Web App
- Windows
- macOS
- iOS
- Android
To gain a better understanding of how these Setmore and Square Appointments work, you can check out the videos below. Browse through the videos and make the right choice.
Company Details
Get insight into the company details Setmore and Square Appointments and learn how they operate. Explore the company name, its location, and more!
Square, Inc
San Francisco
Which mobile platforms do Setmore and Square Appointments support?
Setmore supports Android and IOS, while Square Appointments supports Android and IOS.
What level of customer support can I expect from Setmore and Square Appointments?
Setmore provides customer support over various channels including phone, email, live support and training, and Square Appointments provides customer support over email, tickets, training and more.
Setmore and Square Appointments cater to which types of businesses?
Setmore is suitable for Freelancer, Startups & SMBs, whereas Square Appointments is suitable for Startups, Enterprises & SMBs.
Do Setmore and Square Appointments offer a free trial?
Yes, Setmore and Square Appointments provide a free trial to its users.
For what other purposes can Setmore and Square Appointments be used?
Apart from being a Appointment Management system, Setmore can be used as a appointment management system, salon software, yoga studio software and scheduling software, while Square Appointments can be utilized as a salon software, scheduling software and appointment scheduling software.