What is forBinary - Productivity Management Apps?

forBinary helps to create smart, engaging & multilingual mobile app for Organisations without any coding. forBinary is world's first low priced platform providing instant high quality mobile solutions - specially designed to meet the unique requirements of Indian organizations.


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forBinary - Productivity Management Apps Specifications

Get a closer look at the technical specifications and system requirements for forBinary - Productivity Management Apps. Find out if it's compatible with your operating system and other software.

Deployment :
Subscription Plan :
Accessibility :
Mobile Support
Desktop Platforms :
Web app
Language Support :
Business :
Available Support :
Company Details :
Company Name : forBinary
Headquarter : Mumbai
Website : Visit Website

forBinary - Productivity Management Apps Description

Here's the comprehensive description of forBinary - Productivity Management Apps. Gain a brief understanding of its unique features and exceptional benefits.

forBinary Technologies is an emerging startup which aims at digitising organisations through custom mobile applications that help them achieve more. With its simple drag and drop feature, firms can create their own application to improve employee productivity. Through its central CMS firms can :

  • Allocate tasks to employees
  • Receive constant Work Updates
  • Effectively handle Performance Management System
  • Send Important Messages or Circulars
  • Get Employee Feedback
  • Track Employee Location and much more.

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forBinary - Productivity Management Apps FAQs

What type of customer support is available from forBinary - Productivity Management Apps?

The available support which forBinary - Productivity Management Apps provides is:

  • Email

Where is the headquarters/company of forBinary - Productivity Management Apps located?

The headquarters/company of forBinary - Productivity Management Apps is located at Mumbai.

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