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Best Competitors and Alternatives to JSM HR
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
Keka HRMS has transformed the traditional way of working into an improved one. The user interface is easy and intuitive. Employees can easily check leaves, payslips, and more. The best part is that the PM or team members receive updates on upcoming leaves of teammates. The custom... Read Keka Reviews
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Keka review compared to JSM HR
"Awesome experience with KEKA HRMS" - JAYEETA ROYCHOUDHURY - HR Manager
Most users consider Keka is an excellent JSM HR alternative.
90.6% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
factoHR’s features make your work easier and are available at various prices. It is easy to understand and implement in your work life, increasing your employees' engagement with the company. Read factoHR Reviews
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factoHR review compared to JSM HR
"Saves time and has a reasonable pricing." - Aradhana Bajaj
Most users consider factoHR is an excellent JSM HR alternative.
92.8% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
Spine Payroll and HRMS is user-friendly and bug-free. I would say that it is a pretty good and economical product. Even the support team is helpful. Having a local presence makes the process easier for us. Read Spine HR Suite Reviews
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Software Common with JSM HR and Spine HR Suite
Spine HR Suite review compared to JSM HR
"User friendly & Economical" - Deepa - HR
83.1% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
Tasks such as payroll, managing salary slips, tracking employee records, maintaining employers' financial records, tracking project progress, attendance, and leave management are certainly not easy. Assigning all these responsibilities to a Human Res... Read HRMantra Reviews
Categories in Common with HRMantra
Software Common with JSM HR and HRMantra
HRMantra review compared to JSM HR
"The best product and support system" - Pranay
86.1% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
The makers of this software deserve applause for creating such a competent product. HR is not an easy field, but this software has simplified it. As an HR professional, I can easily comprehend the fact that there is no scope for error when calculating salaries, and this softwa... Read greytHR Reviews
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Common JSM HR and greytHR Alternatives
greytHR review compared to JSM HR
"Great software to streamline HR activities" - Margaret
89.7% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
I tried the free trial version, and it is incredibly easy to set up and start using right away. The drag-and-drop function on boards helps us easily manage the work status. We can create multiple boards, set up different columns for tasks, and assign them to team members. Read Reviews
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Common Alternatives of and JSM HR review compared to JSM HR
"Versatile and user friendly tool, Greate for basic project maangement" - Steven Johnson - Assistant Manager
87.8% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
Zenefits has reduced the time I spend managing my team, and I am so thankful. I highly recommend this product! Plus, their customer service is top-notch! Read Zenefits Reviews
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Software Common with JSM HR and Zenefits
Zenefits review compared to JSM HR
"Get more time back!" - Tracy Killingsworth Paramo
92.5% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
The attendance management module of Pocket HRMS is handy. We had been looking for something like this for a long time. Luckily, we found the software just before the pandemic, and it has been beneficial during the lockdown. Read Pocket HRMS Reviews
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Alternatives of Pocket HRMS and JSM HR
Pocket HRMS review compared to JSM HR
"Pocket HRMS is an amazing piece of software for HR processes." - Nitin Sharma - Marketing Executive
93.1% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
So far, so good. I'm very new, but I'm sure I will manage to find my way around this well-designed software. It appears to be very comprehensive and easy to use. I've noticed a couple of things that could be added to the features and will give some separate feedback on this. Read BrightHR Reviews
Categories in Common with BrightHR
Software Common with JSM HR and BrightHR
BrightHR review compared to JSM HR
"New to Bright HR" - Catherine Smith - Practice manager
91.8% of users recommend this product
Category Champions | 2025
User Review
We had problems in the past keeping track of all the assets by thumbing through large amounts of paper. Needless to say, this is an amazing tool for maintaining control and accountability of the assets. Read Qandle Reviews
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Qandle review compared to JSM HR
"Asset management is a differentiator" - Kanchan Balodi
95.7% of users recommend this product