What is SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)?

An intuitive and powerful automation tool for importing, exporting and deleting transactions & lists into QuickBooks.SaasAnt Transactions is packed with an advanced and powerful import setting to cater to the comprehensive needs of importing file-based transactions.


SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) Starting Price

$ 99/Per Year

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SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) Screenshots

Key Features of SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)

Here are the powerful features that make SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) stand out from the competition. Packed with innovative tools and advanced functionalities, this software offers a range of benefits.

  • Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Billing & Invoicing
  • Accounting Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • CPA Firms
  • Bookkeeping Services

SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) Pricing

Here are the pricing plans for SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop). Choose the plan that best fits your requirements and budget. Get Detailed SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) pricing as per your requirements.

Annual Plan
$ 99
Per Year
  • Unlimited Imports for QuickBooks Desktop
  • Unlimited Exports for QuickBooks Desktop
  • Unlimited Deletes for QuickBooks Desktop
  • Handy Dashboard & Activity History
  • Free Premium Support
  • Powerful & Advanced Import Settings
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SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) Specifications

Get a closer look at the technical specifications and system requirements for SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop). Find out if it's compatible with your operating system and other software.

Deployment :
On Premises
Subscription Plan :
Desktop Platforms :
Language Support :
Business :
Available Support :
Integrations :
  • QuickBooks
Company Details :
Company Name : saasant.com
Headquarter : Chennai
Website : Visit Website
Full Address : Level 2, TVH Agnitio Tech Park, OMR, Perungudi, Chennai - 600096

SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) Comparisons

Compare SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) with other similar options available in Accounting Software. Explore the key differences to see why it's the top choice for businesses and individuals.

SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) Description

Here's the comprehensive description of SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop). Gain a brief understanding of its unique features and exceptional benefits.

Huge Time Saver

Eliminates manual data entry of CSV, XLS, XLSX file transactions, and batch edit/delete QBO transactions, leaving your time for core business activities. Effectively manage all bulk QBO actions like create, edit, export and delete transactions thereby completely eliminating any manual bulk job and saving loads of time.

Complete Control over Import

You can choose to Update/ Overwrite/ Duplicate existing QuickBooks transactions with file data. Import went wrong, don't panic, you can completely undo the Import changes. With SaasAnt Transactions you have the complete control over your Imports.

Comprehensive Feature Set

With bulk Import/ Delete/ Export, you have a comprehensive toolset to do any sort of QuickBooks bulk operations.

Free Product Updates

With our free product updates, you can be assured that you will be working with the latest edition of SaasAnt Transactions at any point in time.

Powerful & Advanced Import Settings

Your SaasAnt Transactions is packed with an advanced and powerful import setting to cater to the comprehensive needs of importing file-based transactions. Heaps of setting options available to make sure the file data is imported accurately. Some of the popular settings include cross-referencing, pre-import validation, auto-create lookups, date settings, etc..

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Explore alternative software options that can fulfill similar requirements as SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop). Evaluate their features, pricing, and user feedback to find the perfect fit for your needs.

SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) FAQs

How much does SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) cost?

The starting price of SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) is ₹ 7128/Per Year. It has different pricing plans:

  1. Annual Plan : ₹ 7128/Per Year

SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) also provides a free trial to users.

What apps do SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) integrate with?

SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) integrates with various apps:

  • QuickBooks

What are the top 5 features for SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop)?

The top 5 features for SaasAnt Transactions (Desktop) are:

  • Accounting
  • Financial Management
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Billing & Invoicing
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