3 Awesomely Successful Live Chat Service Use Cases

Nikunj Dudhat

Senior Writer

live chat service

In this era of digitalization, every website, algorithm, or interface change is designed to make it more user-friendly and enhancing to the user experience.

The biggest change websites got when evolving was the inclusion of the Live Chat feature. This article will discuss how live chat has contributed to the user experience and added value to time spent on any website.

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Live Chat Service use cases and benefits offered since its launch:

#Use Case 1: Live Chat Service for Small E-commerce Business and Websites

“If your business is not on the internet then your business will be out of business.” – Bill Gates

Business professionals have followed these golden words for the past decade and now 71% of small businesses in the United States have websites and 92% of SMBs without websites claim to be going online in 2018.

The online Live Chat feature turns these SMBs’ e-commerce into more profitable businesses by generating leads and directing customers in the right direction.

Canyon, a small bicycle business, uses Live Chat to answer its visitor’s queries about bicycles, accessories and their prices.  Simply enter your name, surname and email address to communicate with their chat support.

canyon live chat service

The e-chat support feature builds trust and maintains interest for visitors.  It’s also used to enhance the customer experience with an in-app support feature proven to generate leads. The feature is also a factor in contributing to better bounce rates.

Canyon was merely one example of how many e-commerce or simple businesses are selling anything to anyone who can benefit from Live Chat and other related software.

Businesses can also install this software on the Contact Us page of their website.  In this case, the visitor is a hot lead ready to be converted.  The feature can also be triggered when visitors fill out a certain form or appear to be stuck somewhere on the website.

Alternatively, some people find these pop-ups annoying, which can drive them away. For this reason, businesses must be careful when evaluating an online chat tool with respect to the conditions that trigger the pop-up window and the pages which feature it.

#Use Case 2: Live Chat Service for Customer Support

One of the greatest utilization of live chat is for customer support purposes due to its ease in providing support to customers and site visitors.

For SaaS companies providing product-based services, e-commerce businesses or tech companies providing online solutions, Live Chat is a saviour.

When visitors lose their way, have difficulty learning their way or are unable to find the “Your Orders” section of your website or app, providing on-the-spot customer support is essential. It’s what attracts visitors and keeps customers coming back to you.

live chat serviceIf an agent or representative is not available, customers can create tickets describing their problems and if one is available, customers can open a quick chat to ask for a solution.

Above describes the screen of an agent or representative who’s providing support. This is what it looks like when they’re solving customer queries and answering questions.

The Live Chat customer support feature is speedy, effortless and effective. It’s the best way to provide exceptional service to customers who deserve it while skyrocketing sales.

#Use Case 3: Live Chat Service for Sales Team

Gone are the days when client meetings were scheduled to bring in business. Everything today is done remotely.

The face of sales has changed. It’s now referred to as inside sales and is the details are handled remotely, i.e. by phone call or chat.    Software, like Live Chat, contributed significantly to this transition.

Currently, every tech, SaaS or B2B company uses one type of help desk or online chat software or another for their sales team.  But these types of software don’t stop at providing live chat features only. They are evolving at astonishing rates and introducing features like chatbots, artificial intelligence in live online chats, canned responses, smart tag suggestions and more.

Live chat software, like Acquire, is one step ahead. It’s providing upgraded features like video chat support, co-browsing, profile management, chat analysis and more. It can manage sales leads, chat, make video calls, smart tag conversations, share screens to assist with filling out forms and more. It serves the help desk software functions of a CRM for your inside sales team.

Everyone lives a fast-paced life and this software exists to make the most of a visitor’s time and money.  The future of the user experience looks incredibly bright. In fact, Google’s new algorithm is supposed to put more weight on the user’s experience and behaviour when it comes to ranking factors and SEO.

Bottom Line

What are your thoughts with respect to online chat support and pop-up windows?  Do you like them or would you rather go with the traditional email or call support?

Comment below with your thoughts and experiences about online support.

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