Easy Steps that Protect Your Website From Hackers

Chirantan Patel

Senior Writer

Easy Steps that Protect Your Website From Hackers

Protection from hackers does not necessarily mean that complicated procedures must be used. It is more of a continued process that involves small things that matter. If your website allows clients to send their credit card details and perhaps their identifications, you have all the reasons to protect your site. This does not mean that if your website is simple, you ignore security measures.

The implications of hacking range from personal to corporate. In either case, it can damage your online credibility and cause you to lose trust with customers and visitors. Here are some of the simple steps that you should take to protect your website.

Use of HTTPS protocol to boost your security

HTTPS is particularly important when the site collects personal or other sensitive information from visitors such as passwords, bank or credit card details etc. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)  is a communication protocol used to secure communications between your server and the visitor’s browser that ensures that data is safe when in transit from vulnerabilities. If your website is secured with SSL certificate, then you can view URL begins with https:// instead of http:// along with green padlock in the browser’s address bar. It is a security measure between the server and the website. It is also an additional security layer on top of TLS or what is commonly known as the Transport Layer Security. TLS is an upgraded version of SSL version 3.0

Use parameterized queries to protect your site from SQL injection threats

Most websites fall victim of hackers by allowing their clients or customers to send information to their servers directly. A malicious system developer or any person with knowledge of hacking will use this chance to send codes that are intended to compromise your security. TO protect yourself, use web forms or URL parameters that are monitored. Using parameterized queries allows only a few parameters to be provided by any person using your website. There will be no room for hackers to attach any malicious content.

Use of secure passwords

It is surprising that some people still use very obvious passwords that can be guessed by anyone who has ever worked with you or even those who have never met you. To secure your website, never write down your password, let it have a combination of characters, ensure that very few people have access to your primary server’s password and finally keep changing the password from time to time. It is important to note that a weak link from one of your employees can set up an entry point for hackers. Encourage all your team members always to have secure passwords.

Install a firewall

A web application firewall is like a gate pass through which all the data coming into your server will have to be scrutinized. The firewall can be in the form of software or hardware. Today, the firewall is cloud based. With the firewall, any hacking attempt will be filtered before it reaches your server. The firewall is also a valuable asset because it also protects your site from spam and malicious bots.

Keep all software, platforms and scripts updated.

Using an older version of software is a security threat, one you least expect a hacker will exploit. Older versions of scripts or software are an indication that safety is not your priority. A hacker will thus be interested to see what else is missing on your website. Tools used to create scripts and platforms are mostly open-source software that is available to hackers as well, but newest versions of scripts minimize the risk of a hacking attack.

While updating, you will clean out all unused plugins. You can also use automatic software updates on your site to make sure that when CMS providers release new updates, your system will automatically update itself. You can also research and learn more about website security boosting measures from other online resources.

Use website security tools

The tools are meant to check if your safety measure is sufficient. They are more like a test kit. Developers call time penetration tools. Some of the security tools have additional plugins that will boost your safety adding another layer of security and complexity for a hacker. Some of the tools are free while others you get at a fee. It is important to note that some tools are specifically for testing threats from specific weak points like poor passwords while others are for SQL injections.

As you set out to boost your security measures by applying the steps mentioned above and many others, have in mind that a secure website translates to loyal customers who have faith in your products.

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