Case Study: Keka – New Generation Employee Experience Platform

Team SoftwareSuggest

Senior Writer

Keka is an employee experience platform. Unlike traditional HR systems, they are a modern new generation platform focused on user experience and simplifying complex workflows. Keka allows you to automate all core HR operations in a collaborative manner thereby allowing you to focus on higher HR activities. This software solution presents a fully integrated and unified workflow allowing for a hassle-free payroll processing experience. Managing and nurturing talent is one of the greatest features of this software solution. Employing a blend of modern and traditional methods, the highlight of this software solution is the ease with which the employees, as well as the HR teams, can use it. Specially made with an Indian employee perspective in mind, it is best suited for Indian companies.


The team at Keka spent considerable time in making good software which was accepted and appreciated by customers. Keka wanted to scale their sales and wanted a strong lead flow at the top of the funnel.


Keka partnered with SoftwareSuggest in Mid 2016. They started utilizing the various activities of SoftwareSuggest with the main focus on Pay Per Click campaigns. In the Pay per click campaign, SoftwareSuggest directed relevant traffic on its website to Keka’s website. Some of these visitors on Keka’s website converted to sign-ups and lead and a good number of these sign-ups converted to Sales.

The visitors directed to Keka’s website from SoftwareSuggest were already in the research stage of the purchase process. They had visited SoftwareSuggest to research on the variously available option of HR software on SoftwareSuggest and as a result, had a very high conversion rate.


Keka has been able to increase its customer base by 200% in the last two year. The team size has also increased by 100% and the software is now considered as one of the top HR software in the country.

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